120. Nightfall (6)

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They manage to bring the cart back into the cave, yet they agree to leave it next to the exit. Both are too tired to be dragging it any further. Surely they can come back for it later.

Once free from the cart's weight Yoongi feels much better. Well, his hands feel better, everything else in his body still hurts.

"You said there is water here." Nori says, leaning her back on the wall by the cave entrance. Her face is still pale, her lips dry and he wonders how she is even managing to walk at all.

Yoongi gestures to her to follow him. He leads her through a small gap in the rocks into the large cave room. Her eyes widen at the view. The place is exactly as stunning as he remembers it. And without her having to say anything, Yoongi knows Nori is impressed.

She stares with her mouth open at the large lake that spreads in front of them. It's the perfect time of day to be here, as the light entering from gaps in the rocks paints the waters in a magical blue color.

Above them, more light enters through a large opening in the rock. Various types of vegetation hang down from the edges of the opening, resembling torn green curtains.

"I guess dark caves hide hearts made of blue light." Nori smiles.

"You can drink from the lake, its water is extremely clean."

She doesn't wait for further invitations. She sits by the lake and splashes water on her face. The drops sparkle in the rays of light that are falling over her from above. Her skin seems to be made of marble and her movements are hasty, yet somehow elegant.

She pushes her sleeves up and washes her hands, then splashes more water over her neck and shoulders. The lake is freezing cold, yet that doesn't seem to bother her.

Nori fills her hands with water. The liquid shines in the sun as if she is holding pure starlight. She drinks it eagerly, then refills her hands and drinks again.

Yoongi could swear the Princess is a water fairy. He could swear she is a mirage, as unreal as a dream.

She turns towards him. "We have a few hours before dinner, don't we? Can we stay here a little bit? I like this place, it feels far away from everything."

Yoongi nods in agreement and sits a bit further away from the Princess, on a large flat rock. He washes his hands, the cooling water feeling wonderful against his heated skin. Yet, he is not as fond of getting wet like the Princess seems to be, so he tries not to splash too much water on his clothes. Yet, he drinks a lot, his thirst for the water's freshness growing with each new drop he consumes.

They remain silent for a moment, resting after the difficult journey through the forest. Yoongi has come to this place a few times with Hoseok, yet never before has this lake felt so magical. It feels like he is inside a fairytale, sitting next to a water fairy that might either claim his heart or drown him into the water. Or both.

Nori pulls out the cream from her pocket and applies it on her skin. Yoongi looks the other way, trying not to stare at the bare skin showing between the cuts in her clothes.

"Do you want some?" Nori asks, but Yoongi shakes his head. He can't put that cream on his skin. It's too soft. He feels too harsh and dirty for it.

She puts it back into her clothes and comes to sit next to him.

"Yoongi, I am sorry..." she says, looking down at her hands.

"About what?"

"That I shouted it so rudely at you..."

He gives a confused look. "What are you referring to exactly? There are many things you shouted at me."

She turns in her seat to face him. "I am sorry that I told you about Yona, about what she wanted me to do with Jin, in such a rude and aggressive manner. I could have said it in a less hurtful way"

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