09. The Forbidden Pool (5)

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The King's eyes turn dark, his whole posture tenses and his reply is sharp and aggressive.

"Go read the history books, Princess."

He doesn't want to talk, but for some reason Nori feels the need to keep pushing. It is as reckless as putting one's bare hands into the fire. The Princess can't shake it, the desperate need to know exactly what happened to the previous Queen. There seems to be a missing piece, something Nori was supposed to see but he woke her up before she could reach it. Something the magic wanted her to know.

"She was very beautiful," the Princess says, "She looked determined and fearless."

Yoongi fixates Nori with eyes that could kill.

"Do not talk about my mother." he says slowly and sharply. "Do not mention her."

"I can't get her image out of my head. Whatever happened to the Queen, it is not your fault, it was her choice. She ..."

Yoongi grabs the Princess' chin with one hand to cut her words, leaning so close she can feel his breath on her face.


The Princess meets his eyes with boldness, unbothered by the apparent threat in his voice.

"What a pity..." she says. " What a pity that a person like you, who overcame so many difficulties, who managed to save his country, then turned as cold and cruel as your uncle..."

The King clenches his teeth together and releases the Princess from his grip.

" There we go again, the same old gibberish." he says in frustration. "You do NOT know me!"

" I know enough to conclude power corrupted you, that you tried to erase your pain by acting cruel to others."

Yoongi notices that the thick, dark clouds that had almost disappeared, are now closing around them again. By now Yoongi has realised that the dark smoke reacts to the Princess's feelings and words. It is a strange magic that he doesn't quite understand but he is certain that Nori's open dislike for the King triggers the protective spell of this place.

" Really?" he mocks her. "Yeah, keep going! Tell me how horrible I am!"

" If you have experienced the hardships of war you should not have been so eager to attack others. By trying to appear strong you turned into a cold and emotionless monster. "

Nori is angry at the King more than before but she is not quite sure why. Maybe because she is disappointed that his life turned out like that, that he became just like everyone else in that cursed family. Maybe it is just his attitude that set her off.

"Yes, I am quite the monster, but this is my home and its magic protects me,"

Nori notices the darkness closing around her more and more, the air getting heavier. It becomes hard to breathe.

"Look at all the pretty clouds you have been summoning, your hatred for me must be quite intense."

Nori is momentarily confused by his words but then she realises all too clear what he means.

"Maybe it is time you play me a compliment, Princess. If you want to get out of here alive."

" Are you enjoying this, you cruel freak!"

"Yes, very much so. What did you call me, again? Cruel? Come on, I am sure I do have some qualities you like. Think hard."

Yoongi crosses his arms and looks at the Princess with a smirk. She clenches her fists in frustration. The King knows it pains her to say any good word to him so he keeps pushing.

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