24.Hiding Place (2)

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There are rumours spreading around the Palace about the strange tension between the Ilsan Princess and the King. The consummation of their marriage has not been confirmed yet. The Princess visited the King in the middle of the night, but didn't stay for long. Did he send her away?

Ravens are seen coming to the King's chambers, bringing messages from the dark witch. Does Yoongi think of his mistress only, uninterested in any other woman? Is the Princess to be sent back to Ilsan? Is the marriage falling apart? Is the King going to start yet another war?

Seokjin is aware of the rumours, he knows all the gossip going around the Palace. He walks in circles around the room, unable to stand still. His concerns are growing by the minute. Yet, he puts on his usual smile, expecting Namjoon to arrive for lunch any moment now. Hoseok is annoyingly late. Which is unusual. Hoseok is always on time.

"I am sure the witch has something to do with those rumours." Jin says with agitation, hastily filling his plate with more meat. Food has always been his favourite stress relief.

"The Princess is right to believe that the Palace is full of spies. Who knows how many people that witch has corrupted already." Jin continues his rant. He abandoned his smile a while ago, the company of his friend making him lower his guard.

"People would have started talking even without the witch's interference." Namjoon says calmly, mixing his bowl of noodles, "They both are acting weird, so it was a question of time before people started talking."

Joon is not as concerned as Seokjin thinks he should be. Which is tremendously annoying.

"Namjoon-a, do you actually care for Nori?" Seokjin exclaims, slamming his hand on the table.

"Of course." Namjoon replies startled, mouth half full of food, eyes wide open.

"You knew your sister hates Yoongi to the bottom of her heart and still you agreed to send her here!" Jin says, gesturing aggressively, pouring his frustration out in the open."You told me she dislikes him, but having a personal grudge against him is a different story."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard about Sano."

Namjoon sighs, placing his chopstick by the side.

"This is just a small part of the problem." he says, slowly rubbing his forehead.

"Great, that sounds comforting."

Namjoon leans back, nervously sliding his palms over his tights. Explaining to others all the worries he has in regards to his sister might take weeks. Worst of all, Namjoon is uncertain about the real reasons for his sister's strange behavior. He has been overthinking the whole situation vigorously for months and has found only one solution to the problem. A solution his sister might not approve of.

"I will make sure the issue is resolved." Namjoon says, his expression turning serious and determined."I came here to resolve it."

"How exactly are you planning to do that?"

The Prince leans forward, locking eyes with his friend.

"Trust me."

Jin pushes an enormous piece of meat in his mouth, chewing it angrily while staring at Joon with fierce eyes. Instinctively, Namjoon's moves backwards. He is certain that Seokjin is about to burst out in one of his endless tirades about working together and communicating openly. Joon is never to hear the end of this.

"Hey! Sorry I am late." Hoseok's loud voice is heard at the door. "I had a meeting with Yoongi and he is in the worst mood ever. He said he will have lunch on his own."

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