22.Shadows of the past (7)

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Nori cannot sleep. Her mind spins in endless circles of anxiety. She is as terrified of failing her task as she is of succeeding to fulfil it. She could have used the pool accident to tease the King in a more flattering manner, but she can't bring herself to do it. Her mind continues to revolt against the idea of being with that man, against pleasing him in any way.

Nori walks around the room unable to stand still, annoyed by her failed attempts to sleep. She sees the King's robe.There was something magical in it that helped her relax before. Nori puts the robe on and sits by the window. Her eyes travel down the beautifully crafted decoration covering the clothing. Wearing his robe makes her feel as if he is around. She wishes to toss the royal attire aside but keeps it on instead. It does help her relax. There is comfort in it.

How would it feel to be in that man's arms again? Nori dares not to imagine it but she knows she will love the feeling. Every second of it. She hates herself for that. She hates the way he made her feel. She is lonely and yearning to feel the presence of another person. But not him! Not the King.

What if Seokjin was the King? He is charming, handsome and reassuring. Yet, no matter how much she likes Jin, his proximity did not make Nori's heart race in the same way. Why? What is it about the King that drove her mad? The alluring eyes who seem to see into her very soul? The deep voice who touched her heart ? The way his hands were holding hers?

Nori wishes the King was ugly, that his face was as hideous as his soul, then maybe she won't be as confused. If she wasn't so confused, she might be able to think of a better plan to seduce him. Her mind needs to be cold and calculating, she needs to be in control. Not losing her cool when seeing the King half-naked in a pool.

She shakes the image out of her mind. Why is he so damn beautiful! Even that frightening scar doesn't take away from his beauty. Seokjin is more handsome than him, Jungkook is more handsome than him, that dancer Jimin was more handsome than him. Aren't they? They must be. There are so many beautiful things in this world. The King is not one of those things. Or is he? He might be the most beautiful thing of them all. Similar to Nori's favorite flowers, not the carefully selected and groomed ones, but the wild flowers, each of them unique and special, gentle but strong.

Nori must stop thinking about the damn King!

What is the magical item hidden in the robe? Maybe Nori can take it out and leave the stained robe aside. She wants to toss his presence away. She wants to erase him from her mind.

There is nothing. There is absolutely nothing hidden in the robe. He lied.

Nori is angry. She is so angry. She kept his robe close to her, convinced that its gentle touch helped her anxiety. She feels like a fool. She is angry. How dare the King give her music boxes and build her magic baths! Those gestures are as fake as his magical robe. It is all a lie. A shiny exterior that silly girls fall for. No wonder the Princess is confused. She allowed his beautiful facade to cloud her judgement.

Nori is angry.

It's past midnight but the Princess doesn't care. She goes to him, the guards assigned by her door unable to stop her. They simply follow after and give her directions.

"The King is sleeping, Your Highness." one of the King's guards says, looking at the Princess with perplexed expression. Why is the Queen coming here in the middle of the night? Is she so desperate to be with the King?

"Are you sure? Can you check?" she insists.

"He will be angry if I wake him up, Your Highness. Please don't put my life in danger."

"Let me in, I will check myself."

The guards exchange worried looks.

"Let me in!" Nori demands, raising her voice.

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