132.Moonlight (4)

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The night Nori arrived in Daegu she was welcomed by smiling faces, respectful bows and kind greetings. Yet, the moment she was left alone to rest, she could hear the female servants in the other room whispering to each other, saying the same kinds of words she heard court ladies whisper in Ilsan.

"This Princess got lucky," one of them said in a low tone, "If it wasn't for the importance of this alliance, King August would have not married her. He is handsome and rich enough to get a younger and more attractive wife. His last mistress was such a rare beauty and she had a very lively smile. This girl is like a stone. And she is so gloomy, too."

"Indeed, she is." a younger, more high pitched voice joined in. "I don't understand her behavior. I would be over the moon in her place. She is to marry one of the most powerful men in the Eastern Kingdoms, but she looks like she has been sentenced to prison."

"Yes, yes, she is very distant and I dare say even arrogant. I think she doesn't like us, and she doesn't like Daegu. Some say her beauty is exotic and unique, but I find her weird and not at all that attractive."

"The King will get bored with her so quickly," a third voice spoke, talking in a mocking manner. "This Princess is nothing special. With all the talks about the legendary beauty of her mother I expected more. The witch, on the other hand, is one of the most alluring women in Daegu. My cousin's nephew told me that Yona is so beautiful that a person is rendered speechless in her presence. Imagine to have such a woman as your lover, and then to have to marry this mediocre girl."

"I think she is pretty," a tiny, more timid voice said. "She has pretty eyes. And she is kind."

"That's not enough." the high pitched voice answered, "A woman should know how to smile and be gentle, how to please and entertain. The Ilsan Princess can have the prettiest eyes, yet she is like an ice sculpture. She looks heartless. The King won't enjoy spending time with someone like her. He likes more lively girls."

Even if the words of those women were not at all flattering, Nori felt relieved and reassured when she heard them. King August wouldn't like her. She is not fun to be around. He wouldn't seek her company after the marriage is sealed. He would forget about her.

If Nori could have put him to sleep the first night and convinced him and his shamans that the marriage had been sealed, there would have been no need to have sex with him for a long time. Not until they'd started to pressure him to produce an heir. But even that could have been done quickly over the course of a few nights, and then he would have left her alone.

Nori would have lived her life quietly, finding consolation in the memory of the love she once experienced and staying away from the cruel King as much as possible. Yet, nothing turned out as Nori expected.

Now those same words, those whispers and gossip that used to console her, return to haunt her like a flock of crows that squeak sinisterly in her mind, warning her of a bleak and hopeless future.

Nori is not good enough for the King, she is not pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough... she is not enough. But damn it if she gives up now. This marriage was never about Yoongi liking her or wanting her. This is a political contract and if she manages to convince him she is the right partner for the job, that's all that matters.

It's not like Yoongi is flawless. It's not like he is kind enough, tolerant enough, honest enough... or in any way enough to make her life become perfectly harmonious and happy. He is a human being with his bad and good sides.

Nori should not get intimidated by him or the gossip of his servants; she should stop doubting and sabotaging herself. She can't allow everything to fall apart just because she was dumb enough to mention her fiance and get emotional in front of the King.

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