73. Laws of Magic (12)

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The cat leaves without waiting for an answer, sneaking through the door. No one pays her any attention. Jimin looks more enthusiastic than ever, quickly lifting the blanket from the floor and getting ready to start his dance lessons. He sprays sweet aroma into the air and takes a wooden box out from inside his luggage.

"I got this music box from a traveling wizard." Jimin grins, leaving the box on the table besides the apples. "Have you heard of the waltz dance? This baby plays three different waltzes. It's nice music to dance to; it will help you loosen up a bit."

"I have a music box that can play any kind of music." Nori says, stepping closer.

"Are you showing off now?" Jimin cocks an eyebrow playfully, while rotating one of three gold levers on the side of the box. Music fills the air.

Nori bites her lower lip, feeling an equal dose of terror and excitement at the prospect of dancing in front of Jimin. Or with him. Whatever he chooses.

"It will go on for a while; it's enchanted a bit." Jimin steps closer to her and offers her his hand. "Let's dance."

"Shall we invite the flamingos, too?" Nori chuckles, getting more and more nervous. She had danced a waltz before - a few times with her father, such a long time ago. He had learnt it on one of his travels and enjoyed dancing to it a lot. So did her mother. Nori's parents would often waltz together to that strange music. They had a little music box of their own, playing the same old song over and over again; and yet they never grew tired of it.

Yet, Nori's mother left that box behind in Sano and never wanted to dance again after her husband was gone. Dancing... Nori used to like dancing. But that was before the lessons in the Palace started. She loved dancing back when she was a child; when moving with music was not about rules or posture but about enjoyment.

"Let's invite the swans this time." Jimin smiles and throws another magical bean in the air. A flock of white swans flies through the room, their bodies made of smoke, yet the power of their wings sends a blow of air into Nori's astonished face. Her eyes widen as big as apples, trying to see it all - the blue haze forming above the floor, the star-like lights spreading over the ceiling and the white swans flying in sync with the music. As the stars shine brighter, the swans rise higher, becoming small and distant as if flying away into the sky, leaving a rain of white feathers falling as snow over the floor.

None of this is real, yet the feelings these images awake in Nori's heart are more than real - they are thrilling and intoxicating. Feelings of wonder, astonishment and pure, child-like, happiness.

"Come." Jimin offers her his hand again and she takes it, stepping inside the cloud of feathers and blue fog.

"I want you to lead." He takes her hand and positions it on his left shoulder blade, then places his palm on her upper arm and straightens his posture. Almost at the same time they join their right hands together and lock gazes with a smile. Then they dance.

No one is around to judge them, to tell them this type of behavior is strange or inappropriate. No one is here to say a damn thing. Nori loves that. It reminds her of the time spent with her fiance, when they would sneak out from the Palace and walk together for hours in the meadows by the outskirts of the city; laughing as loudly as they wished, looking at each for as long as they wished - their hands locked firmly together.

Inspiration, passion and happiness. Music can bring all those emotions back. Music can transport a person into a different world and Nori yearns for that escape with all her heart. A moment ago she was terrified to dance but now she follows the rhythm with eagerness and ease. Jimin's expression has changed a bit, has become more focused and devoted to the emotions in the melody. He is so strikingly handsome that the Princess can't take her eyes off him, can't look away from his expressive eyes and plump lips.

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