12. The challenge (1)

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The old wizard is furious.

"Why did you bring that child here!?"

"The Queen said to come to you, she said you can help us." Jin answers, trying to catch his breath. They have been running for what seems to be an eternity.

"That family is cursed, the magic will bring the soldiers here one way or the other, I cannot save him." the wizard says, turning his back at them and slowly walking away into the dark room.

Yoongi dares to neither speak nor move, he barely stands up. He feels weak and small. Insignificant. Like an ant trying to outrun an avalanche. It seems that his life does not belong to him anymore, that any moment now the boy will be captured.

"You are a great wizard, grandpa, you are powerful and wise" Jin shouts in despair after the old man.

"I was a great wizard." the man turns, madness shining in his eyes, "But you know that I was banished, you know I have lost my powers. I am no one now. You should have left with your mother and sister"

"I won't abandon my friend to a certain death!"

"It's his faith and no one can change it!"

There isn't a single candle lit in the small room, only the moonlight, entering from the tiny window, is lighting the old man's face. He looks older than Yoongi remembers him, more terrifying than ever.

Yoongi knows this man would not agree to help him, he knows Jin's efforts are futile. The Court Wizard never liked the youngest Prince, he used to always scold Yoongi, to tell him he is weak and incapable in comparison to his brothers.

"The Queen trusts you, she ... " Jin says, but a loud bang at the front door interrupts his words.

"Open, traitors!" someone shouts from outside, continuing to knock heavily. The wood planks of door shake. Yoongi's heart shrinks in terror.

"She always trusted you" Jin continues unbothered by the noise, his eyes boldly meeting the gaze of his grandfather. "Even if the King blamed you for everything and cast you aside, the Queen still protected you. She helped you escape here, didn't she? How else could she know your location while everyone else, including my mother, thinks you are dead."

The old man is silent, tense, thoughtful.

"Your powers were never fully gone, were they? " Jin speaks again.

"Open the damn door or I will break it!" the voice on the outside gets angrier.

"She sent us here for a reason." Jin insists, "I know you can help us."

The eyes of the old wizard turn to Yoongi: piercing, wild, searching.

"Are you afraid of me, boy?" he leans towards the Prince and the little boy shivers, holding tightly to his companion's hand.

"You always pretended to be brave and confident, but I know your true face. I know you are afraid of your own shadow. Fear will be your undoing..."

The door of the small house shatters...

Yoongi wakes up, startled. He curses the Princess and all the memories she brought back. He wishes to forget everything and just sleep. But he can't. He cannot sleep. He can't stay still.

It's still early morning and the Palace is deadly quiet. The King is strolling down the garden path, his hands closed into fists. That damn Princess! It has been less than a day since she entered the Palace but she already tried to enchant him with wine, she refused his advances, she defiled his orders. Worst of all, Yoongi allowed her to witness his weaknesses, to know his most vulnerable thoughts. He feels exposed, embarrassed and humiliated. She lured him into an unwilling confession about his past, she lured him into a passionate kiss, she made him feel as if she wanted him, as if she accepted him. Then pushed him away as if he was some disgusting creature.

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