64. Laws of Magic (3)

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"This is exciting!" Nori grins at her reflection in the mirror. Mira has transformed her into a servant girl, making her look almost unrecognizable. The Lady has changed into commoner clothes herself, yet hardly managing to hide her beauty or her unique features.

"But don't you think people might still recognise us?" the Princess adds, examining their reflections. "As we are both looking a bit.... foreign?"

"There are more foreign people in Daegu than you might think." Mira smiles behind her. "Especially at the market. In the past 5 years Yoongi made a lot of trade deals with kingdoms from the West and the South. Many of their merchants have open shops here. Plus, foreign ambassadors and their servants are often seen going shopping in the city. In the rural areas there is hardly any variety of folks, but in Daegu's capital city you can spot people from different cultures and races. I think it's a really cool place to visit."

"The King lets foreigners in so easily? Isn't that looked down upon by his magistrates?"

Mira steps closer, tying a small blue ribbon into the Princess's hair. "They did oppose the idea at first. But all Eastern Kingdoms are opening up more and more. It's a question of time before the old trade regulations are abolished. The world is opening up, people want to travel, to seek new opportunities far from their homes. The old wars are long over, there is no need for our kingdoms to remain estranged, don't you think?"

Nori turns around to face her companion."Yes, I would love to live in a world where there is more peace and less war."

Mira smiles, checking Nori's look top to bottom."That's why we are fighting for your marriage to work, don't we - so we can have peace."

Nori's heart sinks. Guilt creeps into her mind. "Mira...I ..."

"Don't worry." The Lady smiles cheerfully, yet her voice sounds more serious than usual."This wasn't an allusion to your behavior. I can tell you are trying your best. You choose a more difficult path than necessary. But if all goes well, you will obtain more than just a title, you will get a husband who truly cherishes you. I understand that desire. I sympathize with it. I am sure everything will work out between you and Yoongi in the end."

Nori takes Mira's hand and looks into her eyes, her heart feeling with emotions she can't contain. "If I could exchange all my titles and privileges with someone else, someone more capable and strong, I would. If I can find a great woman to take my place, someone your King, and this Kingdom truly deserves - I would not hesitate to give her my crown. You deserve better. Not a fearful, selfish Princess like me."

Mira holds Nori's hands with both of hers."I wish for no other Princess but you. For who else would agree to so foolishly follow me outside the Palace. Trust me - no one."

Nori laughs. "I think you and I are a dangerous duo."

"The best partners in crime." the Lady winks and releases Nori's hands. "All is ready, so we can be going now." She turns around and heads back into the reception room."Don't worry about people recognising us. We are just two servant girls, no one would give us a second look."

"Mira..." Nori calls after the Lady.

"Yes?" She turns around.

Nori steps closer."Once this whole marriage thing is settled; once you and Jungkook have figured things out between you; when there is no reason for us to help each other. Will you still be my friend?"

"Of course." Mira grins, her face shining."I like you." She takes Nori's hand and leads her back into the room, talking enthusiastically."I want us to meet and talk about books, art, food, clothes - whatever comes to mind. We can also play cards or other games. I hope you won't be too busy with the King."

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