150. Clocks (1)

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a/n: Hello, everyone!

I am finally posting an update :)

The next chapter of the story is called "Clocks" and it will be quite long ( I will post it in parts gradually as I finish them). I am sure you are all impatient for Yoongi to come back to the Palace, but that would take some time. He and Nori need to face some challenges on their own before they are reunited. Things will get progressively harder for them but I hope the story will still be interesting to read.

Magic is a strange source of power

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Magic is a strange source of power. People have been trying to master it for centuries. They've written thousands of books about its meaning and origins. Yet, much about magic remains a mystery. Magic can be tricky, and using it might bring unpredictable consequences. People's thoughts and feelings can influence it in ways even the most powerful mages can't predict.

Wizards are careful of how they use magic. They have chosen to serve others, rather than gather power for themselves. They use magic to improve the lives of people - to heal the sick, to protect the weak and to support those who are wise and just.

Wizards are cowards. They put limitations on themselves, afraid of the power they might unleash. They busy their minds with silly moral questions of good and bad. They can never be as powerful as those who venture outside norms and limitations; those who are not afraid to push their boundaries and master the true potential of magic.

Yona has met a few witches and warlocks who chose to perform forbidden spells, no matter the cost. Magic had left scars on their hands, had deformed their bodies and altered their voices. Magic had hurt the people around them. Yet, they did not stop, eager to gather more power and knowledge.

Some of them taught her their ways willingly; some she carefully manipulated into revealing their secrets; and from some she stole books, scrolls and precious items.

She traveled a lot, met many people and expanded her knowledge of magic through practice and experience. Yona is so used to making spells that magic rarely excites or scares her anymore.

But now she possesses new sources of power - new opportunities to push the limits of what is possible to achieve. And she is excited.

Yona has an enchanted Mask, the weakened soul of a powerful wizard, and the blood of a King. What a lucky witch she is!

Rebuilding the broken spell remains second to the new obsession that possesses her mind. She wants to take control of the rat. That little demon can become her servant, her most valuable asset. He knows a lot about dark magic, more than any witch she has met. His knowledge will be hers.

Using the Mask is tricky and mastering its power will take time, but if she learns the secrets of the old wizard she can create such powerful objects of control herself.

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