110. Daydream (4)

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Large fluffy clouds cover the sky, resembling a flock of sheep set on a journey towards the peaks of the Northern mountains. Their shepherd, the wind, has turned restless, urging the clouds to move faster.

The sun pierces the fluffy masses here and there, its rays shining like magical blades forged by an unnamed god. No cities or people are in sight - just dusty country roads, cutting through golden fields that spread all the way to the mountains. The smell of rain fills the air.

The distant horizon whispers of unknown adventures, inviting Yoongi to wander into the wilderness, following the flock of clouds all the way to the mountain tops.

But Yoongi is too damn tired to walk. He is too tired to even stand.

As soon as they step outside the palanquin, the King leads Namjoon towards the rest place - a small construction by the side of the road. The building is nothing more than a hexagon-shaped gazebo, composed of an elevated platform, curved roof and six supporting columns. A tall wooden fence circles around it, leaving only one tiny entrance that faces the road.

The head of the King's guards, Ji Hoon, places cushions on the wooden floor and stands by the right side of the entryway. Jungkook stands on the other side, looking perfectly awake and energetic. That little bastard. At least he got some sleep.

"This construction is impressively beautiful." Namjoon says as they go up the few stairs that lead into the gazebo. He examines the colorful decorations covering the ceiling with his mouth half-open.

"Yoongi designed it." Mira says, coming towards them. She slows down and exchanges a quick look with Jungkook. Her smile widens. The guard's heart beats faster. It's the third time Yoongi senses Kook's heartbeat this morning. The sensation is getting fainter each time but it is still annoying. The King cares not to know how excited that guard is for seeing his mistress. The boy has no shame. He should not be looking at her at all.

The Princess follows in Mira's footsteps. She is walking slowly, her eyes glued to the ground. The sun peeks through the clouds, bathing her figure in sparkling splendor. A second later the light is gone. Yet, Nori still shines. Her dress is a bright, vibrant color, her skin is like fine marble, her hair nicely put together in a long braid. She is as beautiful as the roses that bloom in spring. Yet, her face is pale and her movements sluggish and tired.

"Our Princess looks lovely today, does she not?" Mira asks.

Yoongi jerks his head to the side, staring towards the fields. "Yes, she looks nice." He clears his throat and turns to Namjoon. "We call these places Rest Houses. Tired travelers, merchants, soldiers, even peasants can use them and take cover from rain or sun. You can find such constructions all around the country. "

"That's impressive." Namjoon says. "Why did you decide to invest in something like that?"

Yoongi traces his hand along the pillar." I wanted to build something that provides protection for every subject of Daegu, regardless of their class, age or gender. Those rest places are a symbol of a promise I made to my people when I became King. I promised that I will protect them. That I will be the roof that shades this nation from harm."

Nori stops at the entrance and looks up at the decorated roof. Her expression doesn't change, it is still aloof and distant. Does she like the gazebo? Or is she seeing flaws in its design? Does she think this is a pretentious and useless construction, meant to glorify the King? She probably disapproves of it. She disapproves of everything he does. Yoongi turns his attention back to Namjoon.

"Some call me greedy for claiming all territories of Daegu back." he says, crossing his arms. "But I did it because I want this Kingdom to be strong and united. Others call me boastful and arrogant for building those rest houses, but I did it because I want my people to feel part of something bigger when they sit under those roofs. I want them to feel safe." Yoongi smiles bitterly. "Imagine how happy my magistrates were. They insisted we made different rest places for nobility. As if we don't have enough Palaces and houses."

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