14. The challenge (3)

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"Are you in love with the Princess?"

The sudden question startles Jungkook and he almost drops the package to the floor.

"Excuse me?" he says, turning to look at the Lady standing by his side. Her face is expressionless, her previous smile completely gone.

"I saw you getting out of her room today." Mira says, stepping closer to him, "There was no one else around, both guards at the doors sleeping. It's a bit odd for a man who is not the King to be seen leaving the Queen's chambers so early in the morning, don't you think?"

Jungkook swallows slowly, not sure how to respond. The Lady's handmaiden is sitting on a bench just outside the open doors of the guesthouse, singing to herself while sewing together pieces of clothing. Hopefully, she didn't hear the Lady's words. If such a rumour spreads, both Jungkook and Nori could lose their lives.

"It is not what you think" the guard says, placing the package on the floor and meeting Mira's eyes with as much confidence as he can gather.

"I hope so, because I would hate to see your pretty head hanging by the gates. Lucky for you, I am not a person who immediately jumps to conclusions. After I saw you I decided to wait and see what you would do. Funny thing is, you just sat in front of the door as a loyal dog. If you were her lover, you wouldn't have stayed there. Yet, you are her guard so being around her is your job. Perfect excuse."

"Please do not disrespect the Princess with such assumptions. She is an honourable lady, she is not capable of such dishonesty." Jungkook says, angered by Mira's accusations.

The Lady studies Jungkook's reactions carefully. Up until now he was very reserved and obedient, following her every step without complaint. Now there is a fire in his eyes that is hard to conceal.

"You seem to care for her a lot. Even if she might not even notice you, I presume you do love her? Aren't you jealous of the fact she got married to someone else?" Mira asks.

"I own Princess Nori my life, she cured me when I was severely injured. I am loyal to her because she has always been good to me. I love her, yes, but as a sister and a friend." Jungkook says, apparently offended by Mira's insinuations.

"Have you known her for a long time?" the Lady asks, unsatisfied with his replies. She wants to make sure that this man's intentions can be trusted.

"My parents sent me to work at the Palace when I was very young. My strength and abilities were soon noticed and I was asked to join a military unit. But after the injury they wanted to throw me out. Prince Namjoon took me under his wing and helped me become a guard at the Palace. He helped me fully heal and recover. Then he trusted me with the protection of his sister. I have known her for a long time, but I have only recently become her guard. She trusts me and I would do anything to secure her safety."

Jungkook's words are getting more and more heated. Many servants had laughed at his loyalty to Namjoon and Nori before, they called him their loyal dog. He knew those people were simply jealous of the treatment Jungkook receives but their poisonous words were bothering him nonetheless. He hated when they joked about him suffering from a broken heart after the Princess's marriage was announced. Jungkook isn't heartbroken, he is concerned. He doesn't like the fact that Nori has to marry such a notoriously cruel man.

"If you care so much about the Princess, then why were you in her rooms during the night?" Mira asks, "Don't you know how dangerous it could be for her if anyone else had seen you?"

"Your King brought her back in a terrible state." Jungkook says, his boiled frustration rising to the surface."I stayed with her so she can rest for a bit. For years now she has trouble sleeping. Because King August burned her home village in front of her eyes. Yet they decided it is a good idea to marry her to him of all people. She shouldn't have to be sacrificed like this."

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