100.Raven's claws (1)

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 a/n: Hi, everyone! I hope you are well. I am going  to post this chapter in 5 parts. Writing long chapters has become a bit overwhelming for me lately. I find it more motivating to finish a smaller part, publish it, and then move to the next part. You can choose to wait and read the whole chapter at once or read the parts as they come out - as you prefer.   

I hope you will enjoy reading. 

"Jin, open the door

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"Jin, open the door." Yoongi shouts out, his throat getting hoarse from the effort to speak louder.

"It's late!" An annoyed voice answers from inside the building.

"I know you are not sleeping; open the door."

A curse follows, then the footsteps of someone approaching from inside. Jungkook mumbles another series of half-uttered demands to be left to walk on his own. Yoongi would love to get the boy off his back, yet the guard fainted three times already while trying to stand on his feet.

Jungkook is a complete mess and, worst of all, he weighs more than a mountain.

"What the hell, Yoongi!" Jin yanks the door open, his face sleepy and grumpy. He is dressed in blue floral pajamas, his hair set loose, tangled, sticking out in all directions. In this state he resembles more a wild wood elf than a human. Judging by the smell of alcohol reeking from him, Jin must have drunk quite a lot after Yoongi left the dinner.

"It's 2 am or something. I was trying to sleep." Seokjin complains, struggling to keep his eyes open. "You know - sleep. It's what normal people do at this time of..." His eyes widen as he spots the boy Yoongi is carrying. "Is that Jungkook? Why are you giving him a piggyback ride? What is wrong with him?""

"Black magic."

"Yoongi, are you getting paranoid over dark spells again?" Jin whines. "I told you we are more than safe in this Palace. Let's just go back to sleep."

"Seokjin, his condition is serious." Yoongi growls.

"We sent people to fetch Park Jimin." The Princess says, stepping into the light of the door lantern. Stubborn as always, she refused to return to her room and insisted on accompanying the King here.

"Jimin?" Jin cocks an eyebrow. "Why him? Is he going to perform a dance healing ceremony or something?"

"He is a wizard." Nori says. "He can help us."

Jin shoots Yoongi a questioning look.

"She insisted." Yoongi shrugs.

"The Princess insisted on inviting an unknown wizard into the Palace in the middle of the night; and you agreed?" Seokjin furrows his forehead, turning way too sober and way too inquisitive. Maybe coming to him was not a good idea. Jin will demand to know every detail and then nag Yoongi about not being careful. Yet, the King has no one else to ask for help. No one knows magic better than Seokjin.

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