156. Clock (7)

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Yoongi glances at his guards sitting a few meters away from him, in the shade of the trees. They appear tired, murmuring to each other, their voices silenced by the bubbling of the stream. The horses are exhausted, too, drinking so thirstily as if they are planning to dry the river.

Yoongi should be a benevolent King and let them rest some more. He shifts in place to take a more comfortable position, sitting closer to the riverbank; and then puts the shell back to his ear.

"Yoongi, stop wasting the magic of the walnut. " Hoseok walks towards him. "Give it back and let's go!"

Yoongi makes him a shush sign.

"What are you doing?" Hobi stops in front of him.

"Something weird is happening," Yoongi whispers, squeezing the shells in his hand to avoid them hearing him."The magic of this thing has been amplified. Nori is talking with Beom and I can hear them."

Hobi's eyes widen in bewilderment, but then he frowns. "You should not eavesdrop on your wife."

"But this is fun to listen to," Yoongi smiles innocently. "It's like a sword game but with words. They are both so stubborn. I want to listen to the end if you don't mind."

Hobi's expression remains stern. He shakes his head in disapproval.

"You said I am rushing everyone way too much," Yoongi adds, "so let's give the guards extra time to recover their strength. It's too hot anyway, the horses might faint if we overworked them. It's so nice here in the forest, the best place to rest."

Hobi cocks an eyebrow. "You just enjoy hearing her voice, don't you?"

Yoongi shrugs. "Maybe..." He puts the walnut back to his ear, listening to the faint voices on the other side.

Hobi sighs and sits down by his side. "Can I listen, too?"

Yoongi hands him the other part of the walnut. "Nori is angry," He whispers. "If Beom keeps provoking her, she will snap and drive him insane with her moral speeches and endless metaphors." He chuckles, "Old Beomi has found his match, but he doesn't know it yet. He thinks he is the most opinionated person in the room, but he is wrong. I am telling you, this is going to be fun."

"...He will grow tired of you, no matter what you do." Beom says, "The more I get to know you the more I am convinced you do not possess the needed grace and sophistication to be a proper Queen. Yoongi could have chosen better."

Hobi's expression turns worried rather than entertained. He shifts closer and whispers to Yoongi. "You should write to Jin to go and get her out of there? What if they end up starting a war?"

Yoongi hesitates for a second, then shakes his head. "No, we should not interfere. My outspoken Queen can handle this. Let Beom get a taste of his own medicine."

Hobi's expression becomes even more worried. "You are not in your right mind."

"Chosen better?" Nori says. "He had little choice in the matter since he was pressured into marrying me. I care not if he gets tired of me as a woman. I care not to win his affections. I only care to earn his respect. I support him not because he is handsome or powerful, but because I believe in the changes he wants to make."

Beom laughs. "As if! You know little about our internal affairs or our history. Your judgment is twisted by your desire to be liked by the King. You would say anything that pleases him."

"I don't need to know your history to be certain that giving people a better education is the best approach to face the reality of our time. The world is advancing, and Daegu should not stay behind."

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