136. Moonlight (8)

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Yoongi throws his robe and his underwear in the basket left for dirty clothes, washes his face and his arms and puts on clean clothes. This time he dresses himself in a hanbok, a black simple one that is lacking any decorations, except for the silver ribbon that holds it closed. He ties his hair in some sort of a messy bun so it doesn't fall in his eyes all the time.

He takes clean clothes for Nori, too, along with a small towel, a blanket and a pillow. He wraps it all in a pretty cloth, decorated with flowers. He fetches a small bucket of water to bring as well, and heads for the door. But as he steps outside, his head spins, so he sits on the threshold of the house and leaves the luggage by his side. The rain has turned stronger again and its now colder than before.

Yoongi leans on the door frame and waits for the rain to calm down or for his head to clear. He wets his lips, his heart getting more and more restless. He can't get the Princess out of his mind, her moans, her lips, the touch of her hands, the sensation of her wetness against his fingers.

He was so turned on and delirious that he was on the edge of begging her to allow him to fuck her the entire time. Yet, even just sensing her heat against his cock felt so good, so damn good that he could not help but come as he saw her reach her high. He will never forget the way she looked in that moment, with her rosy cheeks, parted lips, hair spread on the ground around her, the expression of bliss on her face.

He can't bear the thought of her leaving without being his. If she doesn't want to be his Queen he wants to beg her to be his mistress, but he knows he could never ask that from her. It would ruin her. He just needs to calm the fuck down and get himself together.

That thing that happened between them now... it was not something they planned, or something they talked about ... it just happened. It escalated so quickly, that if it wasn't for the Princess's desire to have "a special first time", he was almost certain they would have fucked.

They are both starved for physical pleasure, that's why this happened. Yet, after satisfying their desires in the cave they should have been less needy, right? Instead it seems their little adventure in the cave had the opposite effect on them. Yoongi clicks his tongue and shifts in his seat, feeling a little nauseous. The last thing they should do is seal the marriage on impulse and then regret it.

They should be more careful. Yoongi should be more careful. Nori is too much of a temptation. It brings him such pleasure to make her happy, to kiss her, to hold her, to feel her. Even now he is inpatient to go back to her, to hold her again, to ki— His stomach tightens. He feels sick, his head spins and he presses his hand on his mouth to stop himself from vomiting. What the hell is going on?

He relaxes his head on the door frame and takes in a deep breath. Yet, that doesn't help. His stomach spasms again and he throws up on the floor. Black liquid. The same he vomited when Yona's spell started to break.

Cold chills run through his body. Why is this happening? Maybe due to the wild magic their intimacy generates? Fuck. This is bad. Nori was right to worry. They can't fool around because they feel like it, each touch and kiss has importance, especially because of the magic they trigger.

The power of Yoongi's magic is no joke, and he has been too reckless, thinking too much with his dick. The spell he and Yona worked on for so long was compromised, yet he was too busy worrying about the state of his relationship with the Princess to take care of that. Now things are getting worse. He must go to see Yona tomorrow and discuss this with her. She won't be pleased to know how her spell is being messed up. Not happy at all.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, feeling better now that the blackness is out of him. He can't do much about it today. Today he has no strength to worry. He needs to go back to Nori, she is waiting for him. He raises himself up and runs through the rain to reach her.

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