80.Passion & Duty (6)

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Nori leaves Shooky on the bed, caressing him gently. He looks so messy, yet his magic is so strong. Much stronger than Nori thought it was. That wizard, whoever he was, must have been a man with talent and skill. How does it feel to be a powerful wizard, wielding magic as simply as playing an instrument? Nori won't know. She won't have time to learn. Somehow that makes her sad.

She sits on the bed, taking the servant's clothes off, until she remains only in her undergarments. Then she waits. A short moment is left before the court ladies arrive and call her from the reception room; a short moment to sit by herself in the dark room and sort out her thoughts and emotions, to put back together all the pieces of her currently unsettled heart.

Nori felt a lot of things while that spell was messing her mind - some things were lies, some things were truths. Her long suppressed desire to be loved, to experience something strong and meaningful - that was a truth. It was almost a need, necessity of life. Was.

Not anymore. She exhales slowly, listening to the air pass through her lips as it dissolves into the room. She takes the pin she left by her side and stares at it. Nori will wear it tonight, make sure everyone sees it - the court ladies, the magistrates, the King. So that Yona knows. So that Yona believes she is in control.

It's worrisome how easy it was for the witch to influence Nori's mind, to alter the protective spell of her magic item. Yes, the witch is skilful and experienced; on top of that she must have full access to the King's powerful magic. But there must be another reason for her ability to mess with the Princess's mind - Nori is vulnerable.

She is neither a Princess, nor a Queen and that allows her to feel magic; but it also makes her more prone to enchantments. The magic of the Ilsan Royalty line does not protect her as strongly as before. Nori needs to be very careful, wearing her protective items at all times - all her rings, pins, hidden gem stones and little amulets. She must make sure Yona doesn't influence her again.

Why is the witch doing all this? Why is she attaching Nori in this way?

Is Yona a selfish woman in search of entertainment, who sleeps with the King simply for pleasure? Does she want to remove Nori out of spite and jealousy? Or does Yona have bigger plans and ambitions? Is she with the King because she seeks more power for herself? It's hard to tell what her motives are. She might want the King for both pleasure and power. She might have her own secrets and hidden agendas.

Nori was quick to conclude that King August is a heartless, cold man; and she was quick to hate him for that. Now she does not want to rush her conclusions and make the same mistake. She should meet Yona and get to know her personally. Only then Nori can understand her better. Yet, the King would never allow for this to happen. It is dangerous for Nori to seek her out, too. What if Yona tries to enchant or harm the Princess again? It's better to stay away from the witch for now. Better to focus on the King and strengthen her relationship with him. Also seal the marriage at some point... with that same King.

The King...

The thought of him makes Nori's stomach tie in a knot.

The events from the previous night flash in her mind and make her hide her face in her hands. A lot happened, but ... they are on better terms now, right?

Nori drops her hands to her lap and stares ahead. Maybe the King is annoyed that she didn't come to lunch but... not to an extreme, right? Even if she acted foolishly last night, he doesn't think ill of her. Right? They had a truce, they slept in the same bed, they kissed... So all is good. Of course it is.

Then why is Nori trembling all over when thinking about meeting him? Why is her body heating up and her heart racing? Why is she so damn nervous? Must be due to the emotional rollercoaster today has been. All those interactions with magic have made her this way.

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