141. Crossroads (2)

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Yoongi rides fast, faster than necessary, leading his companies back to the Palace. He keeps his eyes ahead but often his gaze escapes left and right, looking for the small figure of the Princess. Yet, she is nowhere to be seen.

Tall trees cast shadows among the endless fields, rooftops of scattered houses and distant villages reflect the sunlight that escapes through the clouds. But there is no sign of the Princess.

Traveling merchants cross their path; Jungkook slows down to question them if they have seen a woman on a horse. They shake their heads. Yoongi speeds up his horse. The fields, the trees, and the roads become a blur.

"Are we in a horse-riding competition?" Jimin complains behind him. "Why is the rush?"

"I have things to do." Yoongi tightens his grip on the reins and spurs the house to keep going. He needs to move as fast as possible, to run, to fly back to the Palace, and then kick the wall for an hour.

Yet a King has no time to be kicking walls, a King has a million things to do. The first one is to get Jungkook his safety shirts.

It's lunchtime when they arrive at Mira's rooms. They find her finishing her bowl of soup, in the company of her handmaiden, a couple of books spread on the ground by her side. When she is anticipating something she gets restless and reads book after book, tossing them away one after the other, unable to finish none of them.

The green hanbok she wears is a new one, and there is more jewelry stuck in her hair than usual. She must have hoped Kook would return to the Palace today. She is way too infatuated with that fool. Hopefully, she won't suffer from it. Hopefully, not all Ilsan people are as fickle as Princess Nori...

Yoongi greets Mira with an even tone and turns to her handmaiden. "Park Jimin from Busan is here to consult the Lady about her health. Guard Jeon is appointed to be Jimin's escort while he is in the Palace. The wizard will stay here for a few hours. I will be with them. You can go and rest for a bit."

The handmaiden nods, collects the dishes, and leaves the room, glancing at the wizard with curiosity.

"You are quick to make up stories." Jimin chuckles as she closes the door.

"They will gossip about you anyway," Yoongi says, "It's better to give them an explanation of your presence here or they will invent one themselves. You don't want to be left at the mercy of servants' imagination, trust me. So from now on, if you need to come to the Palace, say it is to consult with Mira. Not me. Okay?"


"Care to tell me what this is about?" Mira says, her eyes shifting between the three men who have invaded her reception room.

"Jimin will explain; He and Jungkook will star with you." Yoongi says. "Your handmaiden is wise enough not to come back here until dinner, so you have time to discuss things." He turns towards the door. "I am busy with other things."

"Where is Nori?" Mira asks.

The question hangs in the air like an arrow pointed at Yoongi's back. The moment he answers it, it will pierce his heart. And then, a million more arrows will follow, more questions he has no replies for.

"Ask Jungkook," he says without turning. "I have to go; I have things to do."

"Can't you stay for a bit," Jimin says. "It will be better if you are here for the spell. It won't take long."

Yoongi hesitates, side-glancing at Jungkook. The boy has his eyes locked on Mira, half-smiling with a soft expression, looking like a man who is already under a strong spell. A spell that has considerably damaged his brain activity. That fool needs all the protection he can get.

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