18.Shadows of the past (3)

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Jungkook is not happy about the whole situation. Not even a day has passed since he entered this Palace and there is a new woman after him. And not just any woman, but Kim Seokjin's sister. Jungkook is as good as dead if he touches her. Her interest in him will only cause him problems and unnecessary drama. Kook should ignore her to the best of his abilities. But right now the guard's only wish is to find his dinner. He is hungry and annoyed. It's the third time he arrives at the same building but it is not the building he is looking for. Why is it so hard to find a place to eat in this huge Palace?

"You seem to have lost your way," a voice says behind him. Jungkook turns abruptly and freezes in place. That's King August standing in front of him.

"Your Highness!" Jungkook greets and bows low.

"You can raise your head, I want to talk to you," Yoongi says, stepping closer to the guard. "I got an impressive review of your performance today. Some of the guards you trained wanted to quit their jobs. Of course they weren't allowed to. But I gave them a day off to recover from your punishment. It seems they learnt their lesson, thanks to you."

"I am glad to be of service, Your Highness" Jungkook says coldly.

"I want to offer you a better position" the King says, looking at the soldier attentively, curious to see his reaction."You will get the chance to become one of the Chief Palace guards." Yoongi announces."Of course, first you need to prove yourself more. You can start by training my guards once per week. But choose a more manageable routine, we want them to survive your training."

The King is in a good mood. His attitude is almost friendly. But Jungkook doesn't like the King, he wants to stay away from him as much as possible.

"Thank you, Your Highness" Jungkook says, straightening his posture, trying to look firm and decisive, "But I am not interested in a new position. I want to protect the Queen."

Yoongi frowns. Every time he tries to be nice and generous to those Ilsan people, they answer him with ungrateful arrogance. The boy is strong and capable, why does he want to waste his potential leaning on the Princess's door all day?

"If you protect the Palace, then you are protecting the Queen, right?" the King asks.

"Yes..." Jungkook agrees unwillingly.

"Then it is decided. I will send someone to you with more instructions tomorrow. "

"I need to talk to Prince Namjoon." Jungkook protests, unsure how to refuse the King's proposal.

"There is one thing you need to understand." Yoongi says, his voice turning colder and sharper. "If you stay here, you will be a Daegu soldier, you will have to answer to me and not to Namjoon .I already discussed this with him last night. If you are allowed to be in my Palace, then I have to be sure you are loyal to me."

Jungkook's face turns sullen and gloomy. He doesn't want to be taken away from the Princess. He doesn't want to obey this King. The guard is tired of keeping quiet and following orders he doesn't agree to. Seeing Nori getting married to a man she despises was torture. Jungkook is angry. His suppressed feelings are coming to the surface at the worst possible moment.

"If you treat the Queen well, then I will be loyal to you." Jungkook says, before he could stop himself.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow, looking at the soldier with a gaze that could kill. "Did you say 'if'?"

"She wasn't feeling good last night." Jungkook says, losing his composure. "She was really sick."

"She got drunk," Yoongi says coldly.

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