36. Memories (3)

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The two court ladies smile and bow low.

"We weren't sure which one you would like." Minju says.

Joon scratches his neck looking at the huge chest the two women dragged into the middle of his reception room. He sent a servant to ask for a simple robe for his sister but they brought the whole wardrobe.

"You work very diligently," Joon says and steals a glance at Nori. She presses her lips together to hide her smile.

"You flatter us, Your Highness, we only do our job." Yojin says with a grin. Minju looks at her feet, blushing.

"I am glad to know my sister is in such good hands."

"We are honored to serve the Queen, Your Highness." Yojin smiles widely, her eyes sparkling. "If you have any recommendations for us, any tips to make your sister feel more comfortable, please let us know. We were looking forward to meeting her handmaiden and learning from her. But she didn't come along."

"Oh, Hansu would have loved to meet the King." Jungkook chuckles. Nori nudges him with her elbow. They are both leaning on the wall and enjoy Joon's interactions with the court ladies a bit too much.

"My handmaiden is loyal and hardworking. But she loves Ilsan deeply." the Princess says, stepping forward. "It would have been too cruel to demand her to leave her home. I asked for her to be allowed to stay behind."

"You are so thoughtful, Your Highness." Yojin exclaims, clapping her hands together.

"Your Highness, your jewelry..., did you lose them." Minju stutters.

Nori's hand moves to her hair.

"Oh, right. I left them with the King."

Yojin giggles.

"I was sure the rumours weren't true." she winks at Minju.

"What rumours?" Nori asks.

Yonji presses her lips together and bows down.

"What rumours?" Nori insists.

"That you and the King don't get along..." the court lady mumbles. "They say you went to his room to beg him to accept you."

"Me? Begging him to accept me? Ha!" Nori huffs."Only in his dreams!"

"People talk all kinds of nonsense, pay them no attention." Minju says, stepping forward to hide Yonji behind her back. "I will collect your jewelry for you, Your Highness, worry not. It was wise of you to remove them and save them from the rain.The flowers were too delicate, it would be a pity to ruin them."

"Yes, you are right. I removed the pins to protect them from the rain...." Nori examines Minju top to bottom."You are smart and insightful."

Minju bows low. She picks a robe from the chest and takes a small step forward. "Please put this one, Your Highness, and allow us to escort you to your room. We brought a lot of robes but you need to change... everything."

Nori remains motionless. Minju swallows and looks down, holding the robe forward, offering it to the Princess.

"Yes, I should go now." a smile appears on Nori's lips. She strolls towards the court ladies and spreads her arms in front of Minju. The court lady hurries to put the robe over the Princess's shoulders.

"Shall I accompany you?" Joon asks, stepping closer to his sister.

"Yes, you should, Your Highness," Yojin exclaims, regaining her cheerful enthusiasm. "The gardens are so fresh and the air nice after the rain - it's perfect for a walk!"

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