27. Hiding Place (5)

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Thick, grey clouds are gathering over the sky, dimming the afternoon light. Nori can almost feel their weight as if they were enormous rocks hanging over her head. The air is suffocating, the heat sticky and unpleasant. Each new step the Princess has to make is more difficult than the one before.

Usually when Nori meets her brother, she feels happy and excited. But recently there has been a taste of bitterness in their encounters, all conversations inevitably revolving around the wedding or the King.

Nori knows that Joon will be talking to her about duty, about overcoming her fears, about the importance of this union. Masked under nice words of encouragement, there is a building pressure gathering around the Princess from all sides. They all want her to succeed. Namjoon, Lady Mira, her mother, her servants - everyone is reassuring Nori in her abilities to be a good Queen, without realising that the high expectations they placed in her are weighing down on Nori's neck like stones. She listens to people patiently, nods and agrees with their suggestions. Makes promises she cannot keep. Yet, the Princess can't confide in anyone her true fears or the size of her hidden pain. To others she might appear strong and decisive, but Nori feels as if walking into a swamp, sinking deeper with each step.

"Jungkook didn't come with you?" her brother asks, coming towards her.

"I gave him another task." Nori says with a smile. "Did you hear that the King has taken an interest in him?"

"Yes, Jungkook is always noticed. I hope this time he takes the chance for promotion."

Namjoon stops in front of his sister, a tall and magnificent figure of power and calmness. His presence twists reality and changes the perspective of things. He makes everything better. He turns the night into day. In Nori's eyes her brother is one of the pillars that support the world, and no matter the bitterness, seeing him gives her strength. When Namjoon is near nothing is as dark, as hopeless or as scary as before.

"Yes, Kookie can't be my guard forever," the Princess says, trying to sound cheerful. "He will soon grow into something more. I will miss him."

"He will still be around."

A bitter smile appears on Nori's lips.

"But you won't be." she says, looking down.

Soon Nori is to remain alone in the Palace and there is nothing she can do to prevent that. Jungkook, Namjoon, Mira - all of them will move on with their lives. She will be stuck here. Nori hates the King even more for this. She hates the fact she has to be content with his company and no one else's.

"I will stay for as long as you need me." Namjoon says firmly.

"You can't stay forever, your father would want you back."

"I will do what I want." Namjoon says with a suggestive smile. "Now come with me. I want to show you the beautiful accommodations the King has prepared for me."

They walk through the garden in silence until they reach Namjoon's temporary residence. He sends the servants away and takes Nori on a quick tour of the house, enthusiastically talking about the beautiful wooden furniture and exquisite decorations. The Princess is glad to have this distraction, she doesn't want to talk about the King yet. She follows Joon around, smiles and nodes and tries to show interest in the things he is showing her.

Once they have seen the bigger part of the residence, Namjoon leads his sister to the back of the building, where the doors open to a small porch facing the garden. There are soft cushions placed on the wooden floor and a small tea table in between them.

"This is my favorite part of the house." Namjoons says, "It's very serene."

They sit on the pillows to marvel at the view. It doesn't feel awkward for Nori and Joon to spend time together without saying much. On the contrary, such moments are comforting and calming. The Princess craves to feel such calmness now. But disturbing thoughts continue to torture her mind.

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