15. The challenge (4)

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"You promised Yoongi to train his soldiers?" Mira asks in disbelief as they arrive at the military training court.

"Yes, I met him last night.." Jungkook confirms. "I was rather sleepy and disoriented. It was stupid of me to be so bold."

"He must have liked your boldness." Mira says, looking at Jungkook with a curiosity that makes him slightly nervous.

"You have such an innocent and likeable face" she adds, "Maybe he found your audacity amusing. But be careful. The King appreciates honesty but he hates to be told what to do. He is very moody these days. Better to be extra careful."

"Is he really not as terrible as people say?" Jungkook can't help but ask.

"The King is not a bad man but since the witch is around he is a bit touchy. He likes to play tough. Just don't approach him directly again."

"I will not, I will not overstep my position. There is no need for you to worry about me. As you can see I am just here to follow the King's orders. You can return to your rooms"

"I will stay to supervise the training," Mira declares.

"I don't think anyone asked a lady to supervise military training," Jungkook says, confused.

"But a lady will do it nonetheless. I am curious to see if you will be able to fulfil your promise to the King." Mira smiles daringly.

The strange Lady's attention is quite uncomfortable but Jungkook can shake the desire to impress her. There is something about her boldness that excites him. She looks gentle and fragile but her cheerful energy is powerful and contagious. Back in the Queen's quarters, when their eyes met for the very first time, Jungkook was certain that Mira is the witch. At that moment he felt there is magic in that woman's eyes. He still can't shake the impression of her being somehow "magical".

Jeon Jungkook never felt more motivated to prove himself. Every guard who got drunk last night would regret it for the rest of their lives.


The King looks flawless.

Golden strings woven into the form of beautiful decorations are covering his dark clothes. The contrast between the black silk and his pale skin makes his features look more prominent and sharp. He is wearing exquisite jewellery that matches perfectly with the splendor of his gold crown. His hair is tightly secured in a bun, not a string of it not being in its proper place. The scar that is cutting Yoongi's face is coloured in a scarlet red, his eyes are dark, endless precipices. He looks like a statue of beauty and power. Cold, decisive and invincible.

He sits in front of the Princess looking at the cup of tea she offered him. He does not drink.

There is an awkward silence. Nori is intimidated by his presence, even more than before, afraid of the reasons that could have brought the King here today. He avoids looking at Nori's face, he acts cold and distant as if they have just met for the first time.

"I have your robe ready for you" the Princess says.

"Keep it for now, this is not why I am here" Yoongi replies coldly. "I came to give you this." he adds, handing her the big rolled paper he brought with him.

"This is a map of the Palace. I have left some important notes on it for you." Yoongi explains as Nori opens the scroll.

"Half places say ' don't enter '," the Princess frowns, looking at the map. "And almost everything else is marked as ' better not go there '."

"Daegu Royal Palace is huge, there are many buildings located in its vast gardens. You will get to know them slowly. For now you can visit the common gardens and the Queen's library. The day after tomorrow you will be shown to the main palace building where the wedding took place. We will be having an official dinner with the Magistrates there."

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