39.Memories (6)

581 54 13

a/n: a reminder: this is 18+ story, there will be some explicit language in this part


Nori sits by the desk, biting her finger and looking at the box. Gathering all the information she can is a necessity. The Princess needs to know who she is dealing with. Yet, reading a letter not meant for her makes her uncomfortable. Especially one describing the private affairs of the King. Last night she read a few of those and regretted it.

She opens the box, her hands sweating. Why is Nori hesitating so much? Back in Ilsan she refused to read the letter because she was anxious and didn't need an extra dose of fear in her system. Now the Princess is not afraid that she is going to read how terrible the King might be, she is afraid of the opposite.

Nori places the small uncovered lantern on the desk and starts pulling the papers out one by one until she reaches an envelope at the bottom. Whether the King is a beast or a man - Nori has to know. She cannot live with illusions and fantasies anymore, she has to find the truth. She takes the long letter out and opens it slowly.

Elegant handwriting, faint scent of a flowery perfume, an expensive paper - there is no doubt this letter is written by a noble woman.

Dear friend,

I've decided to tell you about my experience with the King as you requested. I had my doubts if I should do it or not as we are forbidden to share details about our stay in the Palace. Yet, I need to speak to someone about all that happened.

Nori swallows slowly and leans closer to the paper.

In Daegu, being a Royal Concubine is a great honor. Each of the selected women is secured a comfortable life even if the King is no longer interested in them. August's grandfather had multiple concubines, so many indeed that supporting them was a huge expense. He made sure none of them had children and didn't allow them to meet any other man but him.

August's father, however, dismissed all his concubines and granted them permission to marry. He was so in love with his wife, he didn't want another woman.

King August has no official concubine. The only concubine he ever had was found guilty of treason and sent in exile. The women he welcomes in his bed are called "Royal Escorts" and none of them is allowed to stay in the Palace for more than a few weeks.

Nonetheless, he provides them with money and property in order for them to live comfortably even if no man wants to marry them.

To become a Royal Escort there are two rules: you have to be of noble origins and you have to be pure. Many girls dream of being selected as Escorts because that will secure them a good life.

But I didn't care for the privileges such an opportunity could present me, I cared for him. The King. I have dreamt of meeting him for a long time. I wanted to be his. I fantasized about him falling in love with me and making me his Queen.

I asked my father again and again to send me to the Palace. After I turned 23, father finally agreed. I had my portrait drawn by the best artist in town. I wrote a long letter explaining why I wanted to meet the King. We had to send all that to the Palace, together with an official letter from my father.

I waited by the door every morning in hopes of receiving an answer. After a few months I started to fear that my letter was too wordy, my portrait too plain and that the King would not like me.

But it finally came - a note from the Palace. I was accepted to move to the next stage.

We were invited into the Palace to meet the King's cousin Hoseok - he is the one who decides which one of the preselected girls is going to meet the King in person. There were ten of us, all fine looking and well educated. Hoseok was friendly and polite. I had never seen a person with a smile so bright and eyes so soft. He asked us about our hobbies and interests, then he spoke with our fathers for a long time.

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