140. Crossroads (1)

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a/n: Hello, everyone! I hope you are doing well.  

It has been a long time since I last updated so I decided to post this small part. I hope you like it. 

The sudden disappearance of the Princess is no laughing matter

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The sudden disappearance of the Princess is no laughing matter. Yet, Jimin finds it hard not to smile as he looks at the two men sitting in front of him. Jungkook and the King resemble a pair of abandoned puppies left alone in the rain on a cold winter night, their grumpy expressions adorably comical.

It's not that Jimin doesn't sympathize with them, but he never thought he would live to see the powerful King Min Yoongi and the strong guard Jeon Jungkook looking so somber.

Yoongi said he has things to discuss with them, yet he has been silent ever since he brought them to this kitchen. He served them a lot of food as if Jungkook and Jimin are the Royal guests and he is their sad servant. He hasn't eaten anything himself, his face paler than usual.

There is less wild magic around him, though, so whatever he was doing with the Princess has made them get closer. Which makes her disappearance even stranger.

"I don't understand why she left." Kook says, after devouring yet another fried egg."If things were going well between you two, then why did she leave so suddenly?"

Yoongi shrugs and stares at the table. Without his Royal clothes and his golden crown he resembles an ordinary person, yet there is something about him that still gives the aura of supremacy and power.

Maybe the fact Jimin senses the strong magic locked inside the King twists his perception of him. Or maybe there is something in Yoongi's attitude that makes it look like he is in control even when he wears the expression of a stone.

Seated by Yoongi's side, Jungkook can't hide his nervousness as well as the King. He stuffs more rice in his mouth and eats it with such diligence as if the excessive amount of food will help him find where the Princess has gone.

"Don't you have any idea at all?" Jimin says. "About what might have made her leave?"

"Maybe she is afraid of the people I have dealings with." Yoongi says, still staring down. "Maybe she is intimidated by the responsibilities she will have as a Queen. Or maybe she doesn't like puppies."

"Nori loves animals." Kook says with his mouth full, waving his chopstick in the air.

Jimin gives him a judgmental look. The guard has to work on his table manners. Talking with a mouth full of rice in the company of the King is disrespectful. But it would be awkward if Jimin points that out now, so he politely remains silent.

"Then maybe..." Yoongi mumbles, his voice dropping lower. "She is afraid of the progress we've been making."

Jungkook swallows, eyes wide with confusion. "Why do you think so?"

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