A Heavy Burden

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Liam's POV

On May 17th is the Billboard awards in Las Vegas, California. We have been nominated and will be performing. It will be my first performance sense Nicola's funeral and I am actually nervous. Being nervous again is so surreal. It's something I have no experienced to this level for a show in a long time, and in a way it's comforting to know even after all I have been through on my career I still get nervous.

But the fact that my nerves is bad that I'm throwing up, isn't such a good thing. I hear Louis' familiar footsteps enter the bathroom backstage and try not to groan already knowing the level of crap I will be getting from him.

"I feel like I would be a little rude to laugh right now, but I really can not help it. You're getting so nervous again your giving a respectful bow before the show!" Louis snickers as I get up, flushing the toilet pushing past him slightly annoyed.

I wash my face and rinse my mouth out the best I can, trying to get the bitter taste out of my mouth and hopefully off my breath, how embarrassing would it be to lean in to say hello to some celebrity only to have vomit breath? Ew.

 "Liam, here have a mint at least that should help a little with your breath," Louis smiles at me handing me the mint. I accept it glaring at him, only making him laugh. "Li, I only mock you with the up most affection," he laughs wrapping an arm around me and leading us back out and to the backstage area where the rest of the boys are waiting.

"Feel a little better?" Harry asks smiling at me.

"No, I want to just run away and lock myself away my stomach is so sick with nerves it isn't even funny," I reply taking the mic a stagehand offers and fiddling with it nervously. We are going to be the first performance of the night, which only adds to the pressure. Not to mention this will be the first time I will be performing in front of celebrities sense the attack/assult and my sister's attack. To say I'm nervous to perform in front of names like Beyonce, Pink, Nicki Manaj, Kim Kardashian, Madonna, and a whole bunch of other people have a lot of respect for again, after having insecurities renewed would be an understatement.I was  so sick with nerves that I couldn't even attend the red carpet earlier, I was too busy throwing up at the hotel from nerves.

"Hey at least by the time the night over you'll hopefully have your confidence back and not be throwing up like me every night before a concert the first tour," Harry tries to assure me only making me groan.

"I better not be throwing up every night before a show from nerves or I might just lose my mind," I reply.

"Here think about this. Half that crowd is dressed so scandalous that by tomorrow morning the media will be too busy talking about their wardrobe malfunctions that no matter how badly you screw up on stage they'll be talking about people's clothing instead," Louis says giving me one of his snarky grins.

"And if you fuck up to bad, Harry here will do something that will take attention off you fuck up," Zayn adds giving Harry a grin.

"Why me?! And like what?" Harry asks.

"The media loves you, and rip your clothes off, drop a bunch of f bombs during our acceptance speech, call Taylor Swift a naughty name or something. I'm sure though a lot of your ex girlfriends in the crowd and a shit load of fans will enjoy the first option though," Louis replies grinning at Harry cheekily.

"I will do no such thing! I love you Liam, but I don't love you that much, I do have class you know," Harry replies glaring at Louis making us all laugh. 

"Hey you don't look quite as green Liam. So maybe you'll be ok," Niall says making me groan.

"Don't remind me," I groan putting my head on his shoulder.

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