Damage Control (Edited)

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Harry's POV

A week has gone by since Simon's and Paul's visit.  Louis and I are now sitting in a hotel in London feeling pretty miserable. Leaving the lads behind was harder than I had thought.

"It's going to be so weird going to the awards tonight without them," Louis sighs falling back on the bed other bed.

"Couldn't agree with you more. Has Simon or Paul even confirmed our appearance?" I ask hoping that tonight will go smoothly but considering the uproar all over the news and online I highly doubt it. 

"Not to my knowledge, so us showing up will be like the Queen just showing up in the middle of a mall," Louis responds with a groan. Neither one of us are looking forward to the questions we are sure to be asked or the attention we are sure going to be getting and some of it is most defiantly not going to be positive. 

"This is going to be loads of fun. Why did it have to be an award show?" I ask unable to keep the whine out of my voice. Louis just ignores me as goes through his suitcase searching for an outfit for tonight. 

"Do you know anything about the security for us? I mean I don't want to sound like a diva but I think we're going to need some of our own security. I don't exactly want to be attacked by some psycho," Louis asks.

"No idea, but I can't agree more," I reply looking at my phone searching for any message from any of the boys. I hate leaving them and a part of me is paranoid that something is happening to them or something.

"Quit checking your phone, that's the fifth time in an hour," Louis hisses at me reaching over to grab my phone. I roll out of his reach and fall onto the floor in consequence. Louis cracks up laughing as I hold my phone protectively to my chest.

A knock on the door silences all of our joking. I roll to my feet and look at Louis anxiously. Louis moves forward cautiously and peeks out the peep hole.

"It's just Paul," Louis assures me before unlocking and opening the door.

"It's good to see that you boys made it in okay. I figured you could use some company and some wardrobe help," Paul greets us and stepping out from behind him is Lou with Lux in her arms.

"Lou!" I shout in joy heading over to hug her after weeks of having no contact with her.

"Harry! Oui!" Lux squeals reaching out her chubby little arms to me. I smile and take the cute little blonde toddler into my arms tickling her and making her squeal in joy.

"I was so worried about you guys," Lou responds tears running down her cheeks as she hugs both Louis and I. "Are you all ok? How is Liam and Zayn? I was so horrified when I heard about what happened to Liam. He's already been though so much."

"We're all ok, Lou. Shaken up but ok. Liam is still a little sick but he's getting better. I'm so sorry we couldn't call you. We weren't sure if they could some how track it or something," I babble hugging her tightly as I balance Lux on my hip.

"No cry, Arry!" Lux squeals her little hands clumsily wiping tears from my cheeks. We all laugh at her cute response, letting the tension in the air go.

"Ok let's get you boys ready. We have two hours before we leave and we have to make sure you both are camera ready because there are going to be a lot of cameras on you tonight," Lou smiles wiping her own tears away.

"Before you start getting ready do either of you want anything to eat?" Paul asks still hovering near the door.

"No, I think I'll throw it all up from nerves," I reply honestly as I turn on the TV searching for something mindless to watch while getting ready.

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