New Ideas

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Zayn's POV

After a four hour wait I am now standing at Louis and Harry's hospital room door (they conveintly put them in the same room, look at that the angels are doing their work!) and I can't build up the courage to go in, terrified of what I might see. 

The doctors that have treated them have informed me of their condition and told me they are both lucky.

Louis has walked away with the lease concerning of the injuries, seeing as the car hit the driver's side. Louis has some broken ribs, a bad concussion,  whiplash,  some cuts, bruises and a dislocated shoulder. His injuries do not conern me, Louis will be fine with a little TLC, Harry is the one I am afraid of seeing.

Harry's side of the car was the one that was hit. He has a broken arm, ribs broken, a broken leg, a concussion, has had his spleen removed, some major cuts and bruising.

I guess neither are really absolutly horrible, but just the thought of seeing two more friends in a hospital bed just makes me want to run in the other direction. 

I'm going to have to just go, I can't stand out here all night. It's fine, no huge deal. They're both going to be ok. I take a breath and finally open the door stepping in. 

Louis is on the first bed fast asleep, his arm is in a sling, he has a cut on his forehead, in some areas his skin is beginning to bruise, and he is visibly uncomfortable even in his sleep. I smile knowing that in a day maybe two he's going to be out of here.

Glancing over at Harry he is defintly worse. His right arm is in a cast, as is his right leg, he has a bandage around his head, he has a large bandage also on his arm, he is defintly beginning to bruise, the one side of his face already swelling almost beyond recoginition, his same leg that is broken also is banaged up closer to the thigh the cut visibly deep and in the same spot where he had been stabbed in the leg earlier in the year and he has other areas that our banadaged and stiched up. 

I sit at the end of the room in the chair inbetween their beds. I pull out my phone, not carrying about their no phone room rule, and shoot a text to Niall, Jay and Anne. Assuing them that they are ok, banged up but they'll live. 

I sit back in the chair hoping to get a little sleep before the next contrasafy happens but Louis' voice stops me.

"Please tell me he's ok, I'm too afraid to look," Louis says his eyes remaining closed as he waitis for my response.

"He'll be fine, he's bruised, broken and battered but he's alive. The worse thing you'll see is his swollen face, promise," I smile watching as Louis hesitantly opens his eyes and looks over at Harry. He smiles, relaxing seeing that he is fine.

"Looks pretty ugly, haha Harry the boy that got Kendall Jenner and Taylor Swift, the Mick Jagger look alike is ugly, I'm going to have fun with this," Louis laughs only to stop when his ribs protest. 

"I swear if any pictures show up online, I'm going to kill you Louis," Harry's tired, gruff voive says making me and Louis smile evily.

"Glad you two are okay. God, just waking up from a bad car accident and the first thing you two do is inult and threaten each other," I laugh.

"I love you, Harry, and you're a beautiful troll!" yells making me laugh as I notice with Harry's face swelling that is exactly what he look like. "Alright now on a serious note what is the worse of our injuries?"

"Both of you actually were lucky. Worse thing is Harry lost his spleen but considering he's a healthy it's no big deal. He'll just have to make sure he gets his flu shot. The longest going to take to heal is Harry's broken arm and leg. You both might have some scars from where you were cut by glass or something, but even then it won't be too bad. You both have concussions, but no huge deal. Louis you'll be out of here probably by tomorrow and Harry by the end of the week," I reply making them both make noises of joy. It really could have been a lot worse and they both got lucky. Making me think those angels aren't just looking out for Liam.

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