Nightmares (edited)

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Thank you SO much for the continued support. If you have any idea for the story or want to see something happen, let me know! I will try to see if I can fit it in.

Liam's POV

It's the typical end of a concert, all of us still have the after show thrill running through our veins.

"I'll be right back, I have to get something from the dressing room," I tell the boys before heading back towards the dressing room to grab my phone that I had forgotten. The back stage area suddenly feels too empty, too quiet.

"Hello puppy," his breath is hot against my neck as he pins me against the wall. His hands run up my thighs, till his hands are on me, exploring parts of me that he should not be.

"Harry! Zayn! Somebody!" I scream at the top of my lungs, tears running down my cheeks as he throws me to the floor, crawling on top of me, kissing my neck and going down my body.

"It's just you and me, puppy," he hisses in my ear before I feel his hands unbuttoning my pants and sliding them off. I try to get away but his weight is on me, pinning me to the cold hard cement floors.

"Please, please don't," I beg as he takes my boxers off and flips me onto my stomach. I scream at the top of my lungs tears running down my cheeks. Please no..

Not me...

Don't let him....

They promised....

My heart is pounding loudly as I bolt up right my body soaked in sweat. I look around the room frantically searching in every corner for him, waiting for him to appear from the shadows.

"Liam? Hey, are you ok? Li, it was just a dream, he's not really here," the bed sinks in as somebody sits down beside me and reaches for my shoulder. I flinch away shaking, please don't let him touch me. "Liam, it's just me. It's Zayn."

I blink looking at the person that is beside trying to make out their face in the darkness. The lamp beside him flicks on and I relax. Tears run down my cheeks as I tremble.

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to....I just....I'm so sorry" I apologize again falling back onto the pillows pulling the blankets close as my body trembles from the cold in the room.

"Liam, it's fine. Are you ok?" Louis asks from where he stands next to my bed.

I try to reply, but my stomach makes a sickening turn. I try to get up and hurry to the bathroom, but the world starts to spin as soon as I try to get to my feet. I feel hands around me slowly lowering me to the floor. The bile rises up in the back of my throat and I double over gagging violently. Arms wrap around me holding me up, stopping me from face planting into my own vomit. I sit like that sobbing as I throw everything up and then the painful gags shake my body making my stomach ache in the pain of throwing up and the gags.

I finally stop and am pulled back so that my back is resting against somebody.

"Help him get to the bathroom so we can clean him up," I recognize Trisha's voice right away. I look up blinking away tears and meet her worried eyes.

"It's ok, Liam. You're going to be alright," she places hand gently on my arm from where she kneels to the side of me.

"I'm sorry," I mumble noticing the vomit on the floor in front of me. I look around the room noticing Louis off to the side standing at the foot of the bed. He smiles at me, but it doesn't quite meet his eyes.

"Love, you have nothing to apologize for. Go get cleaned up. There are antibiotics on the counter for you prescribed by the doctor, hopefully they'll help lessen the symptoms," she tells me giving my arm a squeeze.

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