Terms and Stalkers (Edited)

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Harry's POV

"He looks worse than he did last night," I tell Zayn as he gets dressed as I stroke Liam's hair the heat from his body seeming to radiate off him.

"I know, I don't think it's going to get much worse than this though. Hopefully with some rest and being properly taken care of he will be fine in a week or two without a hospital visit. He should still be asleep by the time we get back, he's exhausted, so we should be fine. It won't take us more than an hour," Zayn replies beofre opening the bedroom door ready to face the evil Payne sisters. 

I give Liam one last lingering glance, hating to leave him alone for even an hour, before closing the bedroom door and heading down the stairs with Zayn.

Ruth and Nicola are already up making breakfast in the kitchen quietly talking when we enter though they go silent.

"How is he?" Ruth asks watching as we sit down at the bar.

"He'll be ok with some rest, but you know that isn't why we came down here to talk to you," Zayn replies cutting right to the chase.

"We don't like you here, we don't want you here and we want you to stay away from our brother. Liam needs to be properly taken care of, he's not who he use to be, at least not when you knew him. Him chasing his dreams and hanging out with morons like you will not help him, it's only going to make him worse. He stays here with us and you guys can leave, we can take it from here," Nicola replies turning from the stove her eyes narrowing at us.

"Oh you're going to take it from here? You mean like leaving him on the bathroom floor uncouncious for three hours?" I snap at them not letting what they did go. In my eyes it's one of the worse damn things they could have done to him.

"Believe it or not, fag, we were taking care of him long before you were!" she snaps back her eyes narrowing at me in a challenge.

"First don't use that word it's rude and disgusting that you even think it's ok to say it. It also doesn't apply to me despite what you might think. Secound maybe you did take care of him years ago but now we are and we're going it a hell lot better than you," I reply calmly my voice cold.

"Here are our terms. We all want what's best for Liam, right now he needs to be taken care of and he needs closure. Don't worry about taking care of him though we have that covered. He does need closure though and we're going to need your help with that. This house needs to be packed up in the next couple weeks and Liam needs to be involved in it, sick or not. If he is well enough to get out of bed we start today. We'll start upstairs and work our way down. You all of your rightful claims to what you want and this way you all can also decide what is going to be sold and what is trashed. Liam will not for one secound be doing it without us for one secound, so don't even think for a secound that he will. You say anything rude to him, or try to manipulate him or hurt him in any way you'll be hearing it from us, who both don't care how badly we hurt your feelings. You also never spend any time with Liam alone, if you want to talk to him one of us will be there as well. After we leave this house in about and when I say 'we' I mean Liam as well, you don't contact him and you don't try to see him. Not without his consent first. If any of us ever hear that you have contacted him in anyway we'll make sure your lives are miserable for doing it. When I say us by the way I don't mean just me and the boys, Paul, Simon, the crew and all of managemant agree, so I suggest you enjoy the last week or so with Liam, because you blew any chance of spending anymore time with him," I explain to them keeping my voice calm and challenging them, just daring them to try and fight us on this.

"Liam, won't agree to this," Ruth hisses at me furious.

"Really? When we told him he should come downstairs and eat last night he panicked fearing the idea of running into either of you. He has been shaking partly to do with the fact that he is terrifed of you hurting him again, so I doubt he will disagree with this, plus we talked with him about it earlier this morning he just wants the next couple of weeks over with already," Zayn replies his voice full of anger.

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