Tears Of An Angel

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Harry's POV

"I hate that we know, but he doesn't," I comment glaring at the food in front of me as all of us lads sit in the cafeteria picking at our food. 

"Well how exactly do you tell someone that they died?" Louis asks looking at me for an answer.

"He's fine now. Why should we worry him?" Niall asks looking upset.

 "Wouldn't you want to know if you died? Guys, he wasn't just out for a secound they were in the middle of declaring him when by some miracle he started breathing again!" Zayn snaps. 

We all went silent at that looking anywhere, but at each other.

"Liam's parents aren't coming," Paul greets us coming over to the table and taking a seat next to Louis.

"Why not? Their son in the hospital!" Louis snaps clearly upset at the idea of us going back on tour and leaving poor Liam here by himself in a forign country.

"Simon is upstairs telling Liam now. You boys might want to get up there...he isn't going to take this well," Paul countinues like Louis hadn't said a word.

"What happened?" Zayn asks suddenly, catching on quicker than the rest of us. That was when it hit. Something horrible had happened. My heart sinks to my feet. When is this poor lad going to get a break?

"Simon didn't know how to tell him yesterday, but Karen and Geoff never left England...they were in a wreck on the way to the airport. A drunk driver hit them head on. We just got word confirming their deaths," Paul says tears in his eyes probably thinking the same thing as we lads. Thinking about Karen's smiling face and how she always worried about Liam but always let him go with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. Or Geoff who you could have a conversation with easily and always greeted you with a smile. Or maybe Liam, the poor boy that was now an orphan at 20 and his heart broken expression, and the pain that he was about to go through.

Without a word to each other me and the lads get up trashing our food and heading upstairs ready to lend our friend a shoulder to cry on.

Liam's POV

The moment Simon entered the room I know something is wrong. His eyes have a haunted look to them and he won't make eye contact with me. 

"Liam..I have some bad news. Late last night in Londan well you were still in surgery there was an accident...Liam your parents were in an accident," Simon stops looking at me waiting for me to process the information.

"A-Are they ok?" I ask tears filling my eyes, my heart racing. I feel like I am going to be sick. 

"A drunk driver hit them head on...Your father died on scene," I hear Simon's voice stop and a sob break through me. I can feel Simon put a comforting hand on my shoulder and he gently rubs soothing circles on my back. Who would have thought Simon Cowell as the comforting type?

"W-What about my mum?" I ask tears spilling now freely down my cheeks. 

"She's what I was waiting for word on...Liam I'm sorry," I can't hear anything after that. My chest tightens, my breath catches and it is then that my entire world falls out from beneath me.

I gasp sobbing uncontrolably. This can't be happening it's a nightmare. They can't be gone. I'll go home tomorrow and mom will be there her arms open ready to embrace me into a hug. Dad will be there getting home from work like usual and he'll greet me with a slap on the back before sinking into his recliner. We would talk and mom would make dinner. Everything would be ok. They're ok....

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