Worst Case, Best Case and Complications (EDITTED)

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Liam's POV

Groggily I open my eyes. I try to lift my arm up to wipe the sleep from my eyes but the tug on my arm stops me. Confused I look to see that I am attached to various different machines.

"Hey you're awake," Zayn grins at me from the chair beside my bed.

"Yeah...how did my surgery go?" I ask trying to sit up. Zayn pushes the button on the bed adjusting the bed so I was propped up and not on my back.

Zayn doesn't respond immediately making me think he didn't hear me just when I was about to repeat myself he speaks.

"There were some slight complications but everything worked out OK," he assured me.

"Complications?" I ask taken back. It was suppose to be a simple surgery.

"Nothing too serious," Niall chirps up from the entrance of the room grinning at me.

Too tired to press for anymore I take a deep breath noticing the sharp pain in my side. I place a hand over it wincing at the touch feeling the large bandage and stitches hidden underneath.

"Don't mess with it," Niall wines slapping my hand away from my abdomen.

"It feels like a big cut," I mumble self consciousness. My mind going to when I would eventually go swimming and the nasty scar being visible.

"12 inches," Niall replies shrugging it off but then again it isn't his body.

"Where are the others? Did somebody call my parents?" I ask shifting into a more conformable position.

"Paul called your parents as soon as we heard you were going into surgery. They promised they would be here as soon as they could," Zayn assures me.

"Harry and Louis were sent back to the hotel to eat and shower an hour ago. Simon had to all but drag them out of here," Niall grins making me laugh. I wince when my stitches are pulled a little as I shift my position.

"Do you know if my parents left Wolverhampton yet?" I ask anxious to see my parents, especially my mum.

"They were on the flight last we heard, they should be in the country soon," Zayn reassures me just as the door opens and Simon walks in.

"It's good to see that you're awake. How do you feel?" he asks standing at the foot of my bed.

"Sore and tired," I answer honestly smiling at him.

"I suppose the boys didn't fill you fully in on what is going on?" he asks. I shake my head to the side hoping for more news other than just what Zayn and Niall could give me.

"The surgery lasted 5 hours, with a complication but they took care of it quickly. They are going to put you on antibiotics to help your remaining kidney with the infection and watch closely to make sure it is reacting properly with the loss of your other kidney. They did find something in your bloodstream that they are looking into unsure of what it really is but they think it might also have to do with why you got so sick. They are going to continue running some more test to try to get a better understanding of it. If everything goes ok you should be out of here in 6 to 7 days...but Liam they said you shouldn't travel for a while." Simon explains meeting my eyes and resting his hand gently on my foot.

"Meaning I can't go home...what about the tour. We still have half the North American tour left and whatever is in my blood is it life threatening?" I ask my heart racing and the heart monitor clearly showing it.

"Calm down. The boys will cover as many shows needed without you. I will not cancel the tour unless I feel the absolute need. I will try to make sure you get home as soon as possible but I want the doctor's ok first. Whatever it is in your bloodstream it is not life threatening to my knowledge. They know it's not a STD or drug or a cancer. It's just a matter finding out what it is. They do know though that it is lowering your white blood cell count making your immune system weak. Which worries me with sending you out there in crowds that may be carrying any kind of illnesses," Simon explains just as the doctor enters.

"I see Mr. Cowell is explaining your situation and I might add that if whatever is in your blood stream keeps doing the damage it is doing to your white blood cells the common flu could send you to the hospital and somebody with a job like yours you can understand why we are concerned." Dr. Caine (thought I would randomly add the doctor's name) explained.

I nod in understanding.

"Do you know what it could be?" I ask biting my lip nervously.

"It's rare but we think so but we want to run a couple more tests and make sure. All the worse case scenarios have been ruled out. If it is what we expect now we can give you some antibiotics that will help with your immune system and you'll just have to be cautious," Dr. Caine assures me checking my vitals and bandaging.

"What were the worse case scenarios?" I ask hesitantly, not sure if I really want to know.

"Absolute worse was leukemia," he replies looking at his tablet as he told me smiling at me lightly.

"That's been absolutely ruled out?" Niall asks before I could, the fear in his eyes reflecting how I feel.

"Yes, we already ran every test we could think of to make sure it is not leukemia while Liam was out of it. If it is this rare disease, Liam, then we want to keep you for a little longer, because we do believe you did pick up a virus or infection and we want to make sure it is out of your system before we let you go," Dr. Caine assured us before leaving.

I settle back into the pillows my muscles relaxing.

"When are my parents going to be in?" I ask Simon.

"Hopefully in a couple of hours. Come on boys let's let Liam sleep for a little while," Simon smiles giving my foot a squeeze. Niall squeezes my leg and Zayn my hand before they all leave me as my eyes slowly droop and darkness takes me again.

Zayn's POV

"Harry and Louis are going to be so pissed that they missed him waking up," I laugh.

"Oh well, he'll be awake again. They both needed to shower and eat. I don't need or want any more of you in the hospital." Simon replies. "I'll see you boys later. Somebody let me know if anything changes." he gives both my and Niall's shoulders a squeeze before heading down the hall, phone already in hand.

"I feel bad about not telling Liam about what happened during the operation. Shouldn't he know?" Niall asks as we head down to the caferia both of us starving.

"It's not our place to tell him." I reply shrugging it off even though it bothers me just as much as it does him. In my opinion Liam has the right to know about what went down in the OR but it isn't like he could do anything now and it would probably just scare him.

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