Protect and Saviors (Edited)

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Harry's POV

"Nicole and Ruth were here?" Niall asks Liam for the third time, none of us expecting to hear from Liam's sisters. 

"Yes they must have left when I was asleep though," Liam replies tiredly slumping even further into the pillows Niall and I had helped position so he could sit up easily.

Niall and I exchange a look knowing exactly what happened. Knowing Louis he probably spoke his mind and sent them in the other direction. 

"Do you forgive them?" I ask already knowing that me and the boys never will. I would act nice enough to them, but I will never trust them like before, not after what they did to Liam.

"No, but I'm willing to give them a chance. They're the only family I have left," Liam replies tears in his eyes.

"You have us!" Niall replies grinning.

"You know what I mean, it's not that you aren't my brothers it's would be nice to have my sisters again," Liam replies.

"Understandable," I nod smiling reassuringly at him.

The room door suddenly opens and in walks no other than Simon Cowell.

"Where are the other two?" he greets standing at the of the foot of Liam's bed.

"Louis went out for dinner with Eleanor and Zayn headed out to see Perrie. Why?" I ask confused.  

"Stay here. Don't go anywhere. I'll be back shortly to explain, but until I do none of you leave this room if you do I will make sure that you don't perform another concert for the rest of your lives," Simon orders before taking off phone to his ear without another word. 

"What the hell?" Niall asks shock in his blue eyes.

"Something's going on, I think we should try to get a whole of Louis and Zayn," Liam speaks up looking paler than before, if that is even possible.

I couldn't agree more with Liam. Something is seriously wrong.

Louis's POV

"That was lovely thank you," El smiles at me as we head out of the restraunt hand in hand.

"You know it's not a problem," I respond smiling at her and giving her a quick peck on the lips, making her cheeks flush a sweet pink.

"When are you going to come home?" she asks swinging our hands back and fourth inbetween us.

"As soon as Liam is out of the hospital and cleared to travel I promise I will be on the first plane home." 

"Good, because we have a lot of missed time to make up for," she smiles at me, making my heart race knowing exactly what she was talking about.

Before I can reply screams of terror fill the air along with gun shots.

Before I have time to even process what is going on Eleanour is down on the ground and I follow quickly trying to support her suddenly limp body in my arms. Blood seaps through her white blouse bringing tears to my eyes. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. 

I gently pull her to the entrace of a bussiness holding her close to me and putting pressure on the wound in her abdomen. 

"Hold on, love. Hold on," I cry tears running down my cheeks as I cling to her, using the wall for cover from the shots that still ring out.

Soon the gunshots stop and the sounds of running feet are the only sound. 

I can hear Eleanour's labored breath, but all I can think is that this is some horrible dream.

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