Promises (EDITED)

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Harry's POV

The entire interview I kept an eye on Liam. I answered all of the interviewer's questions that were directed at me with a smile on my face but my eyes did not ever stray from Liam for too long.

The interview finally ended and we all piled into the car wanting to head back to the hotel for food and some sleep before the concert later tonight. 

"Is he ok?" Louis asks once we are back at the hotel and Liam was in the bathroom. 

"He says it's just a stomach bug, but I don't know Lou. He looks really sick." I reply leaning back onto my bed. 

Before Louis could reply the bathroom door opens and Liam comes out. He lays down on his bed face first groaning. Lou looks at me and in a silent agreement we get up going over to where Liam lays. 

"Are you alright mate?" Lou asks placing a hand on Liam's back. 

"No." he replies sighing. 

"Maybe we should go to Paul and see if we can get you checked out." I speak up setting down on the bed beside him.

"NO! At least not yet...promise me, both of you, that you won't say anything to anybody until the end of the tour." Liam looks up at us his eyes pleading.

"If you get worse Liam we're saying something," Louis says making Liam sigh in relief.

"We promise Liam. Now get some sleep," I add helping him sit up and crawl safely under the covers. It didn't take long till Liam's peaceful snores filled the air.

 "Do you want something to eat I'm starved?" Lou asks after a couple minutes of both of us watching to make sure Liam was sleeping ok. 

"Order room service. I'm not leaving Liam alone until he gets better," I reply heading over to the couch and turning the TV on low. 

Louis nods in agreement grabbing the hotel phone.

I can hear him ordering more than enough food for the two of us. With a sigh I flip through the channels aimlessly not really focused on what I was doing. My thoughts going back to Liam. What if something is really wrong with him? Maybe we should say something to Paul...we can't lose Liam. It wouldn't be One Direction without him and poor Niall wouldn't know what to do..hell none of us would.

"Harry, he's going to be OK. It's probably just a stomach bug like he said," Louis assured me taking a seat beside me. 

"I hope so," I reply wiping tears I hadn't realized I had shed away. 

"Niall and Zayn are on their way over for food...I don't think we should tell them about Liam. If it's just the stomach bug then there's no sense in worrying them," Lou says after a moment of silence. 

I nod in agreement before getting up just as there is a knock at the door. 

Niall's POV

The four of us sit there in the living room part of the hotel room eating at our small buffet of food watching TV and joking around. 

I had asked if Liam was going to join us but was quickly shut down with a 'he has a headache' response from Harry. 

Neither me or Zayn spoke it but we both knew the boys were hiding something from us. Both of them kept casting anxious glances towards the closed bedroom door that keeps Liam from us. 

Whatever is bugging Louis and Harry has us on edge too so we keep our joking quiet and let Liam sleep. 

Liam's POV -later that night-

I shake any before concert jitters out of me, the loud screams of our fans making me smile. 

"You going to be ok to go on stage?" Louis asks pulling me aside. 

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