Insecure (edited)

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Liam's POV

After my break down, and the trashing of my house things have gotten a little easier, more bearable. The pain is still there and will be for a long time but it's become easier to deal with. 

After all the boys were in the house we spent the entire night cleaning. Even Louis helped, which is a miracle in itself! The guy doesn't even know how to do his own laundry! To say the least though we made it each other's job to cheer each other up. There were multiple water wars, soap landing in hair, clothes got soaked, but the house got clean. I am actually glad I destroyed those things for it allowed us all to let out our emotions in a healthy way and have fun doing it.

The weeks of rehersals flew by in a similar fashion, laughing and just enjoying ourselves for the first time in ages. It felt as though it was before everything happened, before I got sick, before my parents died, before the attacks, before it all. The only reminders were the doctor appointments that I have had over the weeks. I have had 12 different vaccines in the past three weeks, I think that has to be a record! A record I sure as hell did not want to break....

Now we are all backstage in Sydney, Australia, the opening show of our On The Road Again tour. The excitment in the air is so strong that nobody can sit still for long, even the crew and secuirty can't help but smile. 

"We are back!" Louis yells in the dressing room throwing his arms dramatically a contagious smile lighting up his face.

"Nothing can keep us down!" Niall adds squirming with antispation as Lou tries to do his hair, but even with Niall being a huge pain in the ass she can not help her smile and occasional laugh at something silly that one of us boys would do.

"LALLALALALLALA!" Lux adds clapping her hands together the excitment even getting to her. She bounces up in down in the makeup chair she is sitting in her little blonde pig tails boucing right along with her.

"Are you going to be a singer just like Uncle Harry?" Harry asks swiping the giggling toddler out of the chair and tickling her playfully making the little girl giggle loudly her giggles filling the room making everybody's smiles grow wider.

"Nervous?" Harry asks turning to me still holding a giggling Lux in his arms.

"A little, actually a lot. In a good way I think...I mean it's the first public appearance I have made since the attack...I feel like I might be a new person in their eyes now...I don't maybe I'm just talking non sense from the nerves...I just haven't felt this nervous for a show since the X-Factor. In some ways it's nice but in other ways I hate it," I admit fiddling with a pen from on the desk behind me, twirling it in between my fingers with nerves.

"Hey as long as you don't throw up like I always use to I would say you're doing pretty good," he assures me giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Right, Lux? Lili's going to do a good job?" Harry asks the toddler.

"Yeah! Lili good! Wuv oo Lili!" Lux squeals holding her arms out to me. I take her from Harry's arms letting her snuggle into my side.

"Thank you, Lux. I love you too," I reply smiling kissing the little girl on the top of her head. She grins at me happily, her innocent eyes beaming up at me.

"Where's Zayn?" Louis suddenly asks making us all look around the room noticing the dark skin boy is gone.

"He was here a little bit ago. He just got his hair done, he couldn't have wondered off far," Niall replies still glancing around the room as though Zayn might suddenly appear in one of the corners.

"Who knows he's probably calling Perrie again, those two are so sappy it almost makes me want to gag," Louis replies with a grin making us all relax some. 

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