Love and Protect (edited)

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Harry's POV

The sight of Louis walking into Liam's hospital room made me feel sick. Blood soaks his shirt and pants, but it was the expression on his face that is the most hearbreaking. He looks so lost and broken, a part of me broke with him.  

"Louis..what happened?" Niall speaks up breaking the tense silence. 

"El was shot," his voice was distant and pained. 

"Is she ok?" 

"I don't know," Louis collapses onto the foot of the bed resting his head in his hands.

Liam sits up all the way and rubs Louis's back soothingly even though the simple action visiblily draining him. 

"Eleanour is a strong girl, she'll be ok," I assure him giving his shoulder a squeeze, tears in my eyes.

"I hope so," Louis replies just as the door opens and in walk Simon and Dectective Marcks.

"I have some clothes for you to change into, the clothes you have on are evidence," detective Marcks tells  him kindly offering Louis a stack of clothes. 

Louis accepts them and slowly stands up shaking. He heads off to the bathroom closing the door behind him.

"Where' Zayn?" Liam asks letting himself collapse back into the pillows.

"He was just checked into the hospital after an attempted kidnapping. Perrie was checked in as well  after taking a beating. They're both going to be ok," Dectective Marcks replies.

"What is going on?" I ask the question that was weighing on all of our minds.

"A certain fan base of yours has taken things to extreme. Threatneing your loved ones lives and threatening to kidnap you boys as well. We believe they were also behind the mobbing. Till we can shut down this group we want you boys to stay close to security and avoid going out as much as possible."

"What about our families?" I ask.

"I'll make sure they have protection as well. I'll let the police departments in their cities know what is going on." 

"How long will this take?" Niall asks.

"We're not sure, but hopefully not more than a couple of months," Detective Marcks promises.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but visiting hours are over and by the looks of it your friend there and my patient needs some rest." a young nurse interupts us from the doorway smiling at Liam that I notice is struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Can some of us stay?" Niall asks clearly not liking the idea of leaving Liam alone.

"Not this time. You can come by tomorrow, because by the looks of it you all could use some real sleep in a bed." she smiles.

Giving Liam's shoulder a squeeze we head out passing the secuirty guard and police officer outside.

Liam's POV

"Where's my usual nurse?" I ask the new nurse.

"She had heart attack last night so I took over her patients. I know I'm young, but I promise I'll take care of you just as well as she did. I've been working here for the past year,"  she says nervously.

"Don't worry I don't doubt your abilities," I laugh unable to not notice how she pushed her brown hair behind her ear nervously and how her cheeks get red, "What's your name, love?" 

"Maria, I'm just going to check you vitals real quickly. How do you feel today, Mr.Payne?" she asks as she begins the normal routine.

"Call me Liam and to answer your question I'm just drained and have a slight headache" I admit.

"Well good news your temperature is down to 102. A couple more degress and you're home free. Also you should probably transfer back to food. If you want your strength back food will help. I'll make sure you're started off with something light though," she promises. 

"Alright, but only if once I get out of here you'll go on a date with me?" I ask silently praying that she would say yes.

"A date with a popstar? I'll tell you what, if you eat tomorrow morning I'll take you up on that offer. Get some sleep Liam," she gives my arm a squeeze before heading out the door.

That night was the first time I fell asleep with a smile on my face since I first got sick.

Zayn's POV

"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier," Perrie greets me in the waiting room after we're both cleared.

"Hell we were both terrified I don't hold it against you," I reply wrapping her in my arms and holding her tight, terrifed to let her go especially after what Simon had told me.

"I love you." she cries softly nuzzling my neck with her nose as we stand there together clinging to each other.

"I love you and I promise you will not get hurt because of this again." 

Louis's POV

After hearing everything from Simon and the detective I sneak out of Liam's room leaving my blood covered clothes on the floor if the bathroom for the detective. I head down the halls in search of my El, needing to see her smiling face again.

"Do you know where Eleanour Caldour was admited to?" I ask the receptionist at the front desk.


"Fience." I reply showing her the ring I had planned to use before everything fell apart.

"3rd floor room 222. Good luck and take care of her she has a long road to recovery," she smiles at me and gives my hand a squeeze before I take off upstairs. 

I smile weakly at the security guard t her door before slipping in. Lying in the hospital bed was my El. Her hair fanned out around her and her eyes peacefully closed, reminding me of an angel.

I set beside her bed and take her hand in mine. I kiss each of her knuckles and smile lightly. She is going to be ok. 

(Ok I'm going to do a time skip here don't hate me!


Liam's POV

Three months have gone by since the night El was shot. She is doing great and so am I.

I couldn't be happier.

Maria and I have been dating since, we have been talking everyday. To say I'm in love would be an understatment. 

"I hate this," I grumble as I drop another grape in my mouth boredly.

"They'll shut them down soon," Maria replies distantly. Ever sense the day El has been shot the police have been in search of the gang of psycotic fans with no avail.They have forbidden us from leaving the country so we have been stuck in New York city sense and to say we were getting annoyed would be an understatement.

"Liam I have to tell you something," Maria suddenly says the worry in her voice getting my attnetion."I'm 3 months pregnant, after that first night..." she breaks down sobbing. I sit there in shock. The first night we slept together was our secound date she was a little drunk, I wasn't thinking I thought we would be ok, it was our first time together. How could I have been so stupid to forget the condoms?

"How long have you known?

"A month, I understand if you don't want to see me anymore," she cries.

"I'm not going anywhere," I promise pulling her into my arms moving my leg that was still in a cast so she could fully lean into me.

As I hold her in my arms my heart races in fear, when the fans find out so will those girls that attacked Eleanour,Zayn and Perrie. They may have been silent for the past couple of months, but something  tells me news like this was going to stir up trouble and I will make sure that NOTHING happens to my Maria and baby even if I may still be weak.

Sorry about the time skip and the very quick introduction of Maria but if I didn't get to this idea I knew I would hit a writer's block. Please forgive me but  I promise that through the pregnancy you'll get to know her better and fall for like Liam has. :D Comment and vote please! Also no worries there will be plenty more of  hurt Liam! 

Together (Sick & Hurt Liam)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن