Meant To Be

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Trisha's POV

"Niall, stop that!" Maura snaps at her son for the fifth time this morning. He keeps trying to get up from his hospital bed, out of the wheel chair, picking up things, messing with things, opening cabinets, wheeling himself around the room and any other machtevius he can get himself into. 

"MUM I'M BORED THOUGH! LOUIS IS MORE FUN THAN YOU!" Niall whines crossing his arms over his chest pouting making us all chuckle. With him being on really powerful pain medication he is a loopy, pain free and comical mess.

All three boys are officially being discharged today, but unfortunately Louis and Zayn can not be here for they have an interview to update fans on how they are all doing. Both Louis and Zayn were furious and had to be practically dragged out of here by their new replacement security that will be here until the others can be found.

"Mum, Gemma I'm not leaving until Louis gets here," Harry crosses his one arm that is out of his sling to his chest trying to get his Gemma's hand off his good shoulder when she grabs it. 

I leave them to the challenge of Harry, for I have my own challenge. 

I carefully untie the back of Liam's gown helping him take it off. His chest is neatly bandaged from the lung surgery and various cuts that line his pale skin. The few cuts I can see are deep angry and red. I try not to think about the ones hidden behind bandages knowing that they are more than likely even worse. 

I wrap his shivering form in one of the blankets I grabbed from home, hoping it will bring him some warmth as I grab the black jogging pants and grey sweater. 

"Lift up your arms, love," I instruct him watching with tears in my eyes as he lifts his trembling arms in the air his eyes glassy. I pull the sweater over his head careful to not let it brush to hard against some of the wounds. "Do you think you can stand up so we can get your pants on?"

"I can try...but I don't know....I wish Zayn was here," the routine numbness and heartache that is in his voice makes me worry. Somebody his age should not be use things like this.

"It's okay, he'll be there when you get home," I promise him taking his large hand in mine and pulling him up from the mattress. "Go ahead and lean on me," he puts his hands on my shoulders leaning in as I help him one leg at a time into the sweat pants. By the time we are done he is tearful and collapses back onto the mattress. 

Wrapping the blanket back around his shoulders I focus my attention on getting his bags packed. I neatly fold his clothes, pack the odd things that have been collected, his phone, the charger and gifts from friends. With it all properly zipped up I help him get out of bed and settle into his wheelchair that has been waiting near the end of the bed.

"You guys ready to get out of here? I know I am. I'm sick of mister bored here running over our toes," Gemma grumbles glaring at Niall who just cheekily laughs in response. 

Taking control of Liam's chair with his bag in his lap I push him out the hospital room door following Gemma with Harry and Maura with Niall.  

"Jay just texted me, she said she has everything ready for when we get there," Anne comes up from behind putting her hand on my back as we walk towards the elevator.

"Any word from Zayn or Louis?" I ask hoping that Zayn will be there by the time we arrive for Liam's sake.

"Louis says they should be out of there in an hour or so. Is he doing okay?" Anne whispers in my ear her eyes on Liam's slumped almost sleeping figuare.

"No, he's not doing well at all. I fear that he might be losing strength, he sounds so tired....I think he just wants to have an easy day for once," I whisper putting a gentle hand on the side of Liam's face. He doesn't even stir and the warmth of his skin is worrisome.

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