Death or Devil

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The last day of tour, my last chance. I hold the vial in my gloved hands nervously rolling it around in my hands. I turn the door knob quietly sneaking into the room. The medication is lying out on the counter top of the kitchen area, slowly returning to room temperture so it can be given to Liam. 

Unscrewing the top of where the medication is put in I dump the contenets of the vial inside with the medication before quickly putting the cap back on. I sit the medication back on the counter the poison blinding right in with the medication. Nobody would ever know until he started getting sick, I would get away with it and my family will have justice, yet I hesitate thinking about all those times Liam has helped me out, his big brown puppy dog eyes, those times he opened up to me, those times we laughed together and days he even helped me out. I think about all I will lose if I am caught. But I also think about my parents and little sister, how they were found dead in the house I had grown up in. The memory of finding their dead bodies, their blood soaking the carpet makes my decison for me. I walk out the door, closing it behind me tears in my eyes.

Somebody has to pay and unfortuntly it will be Liam. 

Zayn's POV

Liam is never alone any more. One of us is always with him. He thinks it's his punishment for not telling us about his headache, but in actuallity we are hovering because we are all fearing he be taken away from us.

As our tour starts to draw to a close, our concern only grows and with tonight being our lost show my fear is almost overpowering. I want to just grab him and lock him away where he will be safe. It's that hovering that allows me to notice something is wrong.

At first it's barely noticeable, you would have to know Liam to know if anything is even wrong. The look in his brown eyes and the way he keeps shifting the way he is sitting, unable to get comfortable, tells me he is in pain.

When he thinks nobody is watching he will run his trembling hands over over his legs trying to ease the pain in his muscles. 

I still say nothing, I just move closer watching for any signs that it might be getting worse. 

A half an hour before show time and we all know something is wrong. Beside me Liam's breath is becoming more labored and panic is in his brown eyes. 

"Liam, what's wrong?" I ask placing my hand on his back as Niall takes off running out of the dressing room in search of Dr. Salvion.

"Everything hurts...can't breath," he gasps out his brown eyes wide with fear. 

"Liam, don't panic. Dr. Salvion is on his way. Take slow breaths," Louis orders sinking to his knees in front of Liam.

"C-Can't," he gaps out his eyes wide with terror as tears fill his eyes running down his cheeks. He suddenly takes one last big breath before he stops breathing all together. His body goes slack and he starts to fall forward but Louis and I quickly grab his shoulders stopping him from falling face first.

I bring my fingers to his neck checking his pulse, only to fine none.

"Louis, he doesn't have a pulse," I panic fearing that my best friend may have just died in front of me. 

"Help me get him on the floor," Louis replies grabbing Liam and carefully lying him on the floor. I watch in horror and awe as Louis begins CPR.

"Where the hell did you learn to do that?" Harry asks from where he stands to the side his green eyes wide, his cheeky smirk gone, and tears running down his cheeks.

"Does it really fucking matter right now?" I snap at him just wanting Louis to fix Liam and for every thing to be okay.

Louis stops, falling back on his knees with a smile on his face and tears running down his cheeks.

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