New Hope

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Liam's POV

Two days after the doctors told me I have to see specialists in New York Simon shows up in my hospital room. 

"Liam, how are you?" Simon greets me standing at the end of my bed, his appearance scaring me for he will be the one that will decide what happens with the tour and if the boys get to come with me.

"I've been better. I guess you heard," I reply not bothering to bat around the bush.

"Yes, Liam I'm so sorry that things have gone this far. I unfortunately can not help you get through this or whisk it all away for you no matter how badly I want to. At management we are willing to support you in any way we can," Simon replies.

"There is only one thing you can do and that is to make sure I am not going there alone. Please let the boys go with me. I don't want to disappoint the fans but I'm also terrified of doing this alone," I explain tears in my eyes.

"Liam....the tour still has couple of months and canceling that many shows will be a problem," Simon replies making my heart sink. I'm going alone.

"I don't care how many shows there are, Simon, we're going rather you like it or not. Liam needs us and he is more important to us than concerts. I love our fans but family comes first," Louis replies grabbing my hand, his eyes narrowing and his determination clear. "I would also recommend you don't fight us on this for if I remember correctly you were the ones that leaked that Liam had a restraining order against his sisters and now one of them is in a coma and the other is dead, I would say you bastards owe us," Louis adds grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"I'll admit Louis you do know how to play your cards...Before I came here we had already talked about this a little at management and...we agreed Liam should not go to the hospital alone. We knew it would be hard for any of you to go on tour without the others, so I took the liberty to reschedule all of the shows for a month later than planned. Hopefully Liam will be out of the hospital by then and on some proper medication so we can continue on. I have talked to the doctor here, Dr. Lance and the doctors in New York they have agreed they want you on a plane tonight. You will be on the six'o clock flight from Detroit to New York City. You'll be checked into the hospital before midnight tonight," Simon explains smiling at my relief. 

"Is it safe for Liam to fly on a plane? I mean an airport is a germ heaven," Harry asks.

"We've talked about that as well. Yes, it should be safe, considering you will be flying privately. You will be taking my company's private jet. I suggest you get ready, it's already four and you plane leaves at six," Simon replies smiling at us before leaving once again, leaving as quickly as he had arrived.

"I'm going to head back to the hotel, and get our stuff. I'll meet you guys back here before five," Harry says getting up and Niall follows him to lend a helping hand, leaving me with Louis and Zayn.

"You ready?" Zayn asks giving me a shaky smile, uncertainty in his eyes as well, making me realize the boys are all just as scared as I am.

"No, I just want to curl up here and sleep it all away until I finally wake and find out it's just all some nightmare," I reply honestly.

"Only if that would work, if it did I would be right beside you sleeping it all away," Louis replies giving me a shaky smile, all of his confidence and bravo gone as soon as Simon had walked out the door.

Before Zayn or I could reply Dr. Lance and my surgeon walk in.

"I suppose you got the good news, you're going to be out of here before the night is over. We'll have you signed out by the end of the night but you need to be careful. You're wound is still healing and you need to be careful not to rip the stitches open, also avoid as much contact with people as you can. I am relieved that you will be flying private, I hope that will help limit your exposure. Boys sense you will be going with him you as well should avoid crowds, if one of you start getting sick, for Liam's sake please don't be around him. He can't afford to get another illness when his body is already struggling with getting one out of his system. Liam, take it easy on your way there, I know you probably want to do something crazy before you get checked into a hospital fo who knows how long, but your body can not do it. This simple task of getting on  a plane and flying is already going to take a lot of you, you're still weak don't push it," Dr. Lance reminds us. 

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