Pity for the Lost

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Liam's POV

The boys have been planning this now for over two weeks and they have it down so that nothing can go wrong. 

Harry has finally had all his suergeries that were needed, but thanks to the drugs he is on he is about as steady as a ship in the middle of a hurricane, so Louis helps him into his wheelchair snickering when Harry blabbles his nonsense.

Niall is fully aware of everything and is just eager to get out of here. Zayn helps the anxious for freedom lad into his wheelchair, swinging his bag over his shoulder and playing Niall's crutches accross his lap.

Trisha wraps an arm around my waist, letting me place a hand on her shoulder as I slowly lower myself into the wheelchair whimpering. I take my own crutches and lay them accross my lap, feeling guilty that I can't take my bag as well. 

"Don't you worry yourself. You are not being a bother. You should know by now Liam, you're not a bother and it's okay to have help," she smiles at me kissing my cheek in a motherly way before following the other lads out the door. 

We follow the nurse through the empty corridors and down through an isolated elevator that is away from any of the main floors that are busy during the night time hours. 

Once on the main floor we head in the oppoiste direction of the ER and main lobby knowing that those areas are always busy at the midnight hour. She leads a to a staff only door holding it open as we head through. It opens to a hallway with flickering lights and are barren of people. We move in silence down the eerie corridor stopping when we come to the glowing Exit sign.

"Alright this is it gentlemen. I have chekced this lot and there is nobody out there. I wish you all the best of luck and I honestly hope that the next time I see you won't be because you are in the hospital," she smiles kindly at us before holding the door open letting in the cool night air. 

There in the parking lot are two black regualr cars. Nothing about them sticks out except for the fact that they are both running, but even that draws them no attention in the pitch black darkness. 

Louis goes up to the first car helping a woozy Harry out of his wheelchair. Harry sways, but Louis arm is seurcly around his waist there to secure our vertigo friend. He helps Liam slide into the backseat some managing to get his seatbelt on with little trouble.

Niall is next, using Zayn's shoulder for support as he hops into the seat next to Harry. Once inside with his seatbelt buckled he leans his crutches against the seat in the middle. Louis loads Harry and Niall's things into the trunk of the first car before turning to the secound car. 

Trisha pushes my wheelchair over to the back seat of the secound one. Zayn takes my crutchrs from me sliding them into the seat furthest from us before turning to me.

"You ready?" he asks his eyes locked on mine as he grabs my hands ready to help me out of my own wheelchair.

"Yes," I reply taking a deep breath preparing myself for the pain  that is to come. 

Zayn grabs my hands pulling me up as I hobble onto one foot being careful to not use my other with my broken ankle, but my leg that is holding my entire body weight shakes with the effort and my muscles complain with sharp pains making me bite my lip so I don't cry out, but I can do little about the tears. Zayn lets me lean against him, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist as he helps me settle into my own seat. I try to get my seatbelt, but my hands tremble too much for me to even get the damn thing in lining with the buckle. Zayn's hand covers mine before buckling the seat belt for me with his hand guiding mine. He pecks the top of my head before slipping out and moving to the otherside of the car. 

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