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Liam's POV

Two weeks and everything has gone great, but with us it never seems to stays that way.

The day was going great until about noon when I get a pounding headache, I keep quiet knowing the boys will just flip out, but it's just a headache and I don't want them flipping out again like they did last week when I got a headache. They would not let me get out of bed the entire day, it was ridiculous.

I get up from the couch where we are all lounging on in the tour bus to search for something that will help with my headache. 

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks.

"To get a glass of water, do you want to come hold my hand?" I ask sarcastically. 

"You don't have to be pissy about it," he replies his eyes on me as I grab a water bottle from the fridge. I give a longing glance at the cupboard that holds the medication wanting to take some kind of painkiller, but if I even dare touch the handle the boys are going to be hovering over me the rest of the day, and that is something I really don't want to deal with again.

"I wasn't being pissy by the way," I snap at Zayn as I sit back down on the couch beside Niall sipping my water. 

"Yes you were," Louis says not bothering to look up from his text conversation with Eleanour.

"Only because you people are being ridiculous! You want to know always what I am doing and where I'm going," I reply my headache making my frustrations flare.

"We only do it because we care," Niall mumbles from beside me.

"Can you care a little less?" I ask with a sigh, not wanting to be rude but really they are starting to drive me bonkers.

"If you think we're being over protetive now, I'll show you just how over protective we can be," Louis snaps at me looking up from his phone for the first time this afternoon glaring at me.

"Please don't, I didn't mean anything rude by it, I just want some room to breath," I mumble in reply.

"Well you should have thought about that before you tried to hide from us all those times you got sick," Zayn replies making me feel guilty about the headache that is making my head throb.

"With you even a headache can turn into something serious, Li. Headaches have normally been the first signs your getting sick," Harry reminds me making me feel even more guilty as I debate rather or not to tell them about my headache, but my pride wins and I keep my mouth shut.

I would try to sneak off and take a nap, but even that will raise their suspicions so I stay on the tour bus couch beside Niall watching the TV. 

After one movie and two TV shows we finally arrive at the stadium for tonight's show. My headache is still there but has now faded to a dull ache, giving me hope that it may be just that, a headache.

I follow the boys inside and we go through warm ups and rehearsals before the show like usual. We head to the dressing room an hour before show time to get dressed and get our make up done.

Lou chats with us happily and Lux like usual is a happy hyper little girl. She talks in her toddler language with all of us explaining how she has started to pick her own clothes and her mum's clothes out each morning, cutting her Barbie doll's hair and promising that by the time she's five she'll be our new hairstylist. Her happy chatter makes us all smile.

By the time Lou is finshed and we are all dressed for the show it's five mintues until show time. The headache is now just a distant memory, allowing me to relax.

As soon as the stage hand gives us the signal we are on stage the fans roaring loudly making my heart race with the thrill of it all. With this being our first show with Harry out of all of his cast the excitement is even higher. 

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