Quia Nunc Est Finis

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A Month Later

Liam's POV

Never have I ever thought I would cry over a stranger, but now sitting in William Dillard's personal office I am sobbing, for he really isn't a stranger at all.

When I had gotten home after a two week stay in the hospital I found a lap top sitting on my dinning room table with the background set as a picture of William Dillard's neat hand writing

I hope this answers your questions and always know I have always loved you, my son. 

Your father,

Wiiliam Dillard

On the computer he left me all of his passwords to everything. His safes, his phone, his laptop everything. He also left me instructions on where to find keys he had left to his house and offices. He told me that ALL of the money in his band accounts have been transferred to mine. 

Now sitting in his office looking through old books, that are not really books at all but hidden places to hide pictures of me I can't help but cry for a man I never really knew. He has pictures all the way back from when I was a baby at the hospital. He has pictures from my graduation, birthdays, old drawing and reports by me. He has recits of things he had bought for me over the years that always appeared under the Christmas tree. These things included my first phone, my first bike, the Woody action figuare I had wanted when I was five, and so many other things that I had wanted over the years.

I find a worn scrap book in the back of the bookshelf and inside are pictures of a young man, that looks identical to me, and a young woman with brown hair to her back and a smile on her face. She always poses loving with the man in the pictures kissing him on the cheek, making his eyes light up when he isn't even smiling. It doesn't hit me until I see her heavy with child that she is my mother, Melissa. 

The last page in the book has a picture of them standing in a garden. His hands are wrapped around her very swollen belly and their eyes are locked with one another's. The love in their eyes is heart breaking for you know the end of their story, and it is not a happy ever after. 

At the bottom is a hand writen note by my father. 

My dear Melissa,

You will always be mine and I pray that one day we can marry and raise our son.

You will always own my heart.

Let us hope for a bright and wonderful furture with our son, Liam.

With so much love my to you my love,


The note makes me only sob harder when I relaize this entire ablum was a gift from him to her. A promise of happy times and love, that never did come. 

As I put the book back a paper falls to the floor.

Picking it up I carefully unfold the older paper and once again am greeted by my father's writing.

She is gone, he took her from me and now all I have is the knowledge that he will not stop until has my Liam,  my son. 

I didn't have a choice had to put Liam up for adoption. He went to a good family, that I know will take care of him. The doctors put down Melissa's death as an accident during birth, but we all knew of the poison in her system and how we had to move fast to save my son and all thanks to the Mors.

 I still fear that he and his men will come for Liam one day and take my son as well.

I know I have made many enemies, but none compare to Mors.

So I will go from here, without my Melissa and build an empire. Let Mors know I am still here and stronger than ever.

I will become something that even Mors will fear, so he will not dare touch my son.

I only hope that I will stay alive long enough to keep Mors from my son.

Who the hell is Mors? And if I am interpreting this right Mors was the one that killed my mother. 

Frantic now to find out more about this mysterious man I go through all my father's files searching for anything that can tell me more. I throw books out on the floor. Dump brief cases and even check the floor boards. None of them hold anything.

It's in my father's drawer that I find it. He has all of our albums hidden there in his drawer and inside Midnight Memories I find a letter addressed to me.


I am dead if you are reading this and I am sorry for that. 

I have so much I want to tell you, but so little time.

When you were in the hospital in New York, I was in New York as well. I began doing my own investigations into the attacks and who are behind them. I found a man names James and a woman named Jane. What puzzeled me is why would two people looking for justice, have no criminal record and were both loving parents turn into such horrible people.

I found my answer. This wasn't their plan, it was just an oppotunity. 

A man that goes under the name of Mors has been whsipering in their ears ordering them around like some puppets. Mors killed your mother and now he has killed me. Everything he has done so far was just a game, something fun. A show before the real event. 

Son you're more vaulable than any money and now Mors will come after you. Protect yourself, do what I couldn't destroy him. 

Stick close to your friends, they'll help you. They have helped you already more than you especially Zayn.

Stay safe and don't let the Mors get you too.

Love always, 

Your father.

"Liam, you coming?" Niall's voice brings my repeated reading of the letter to a stop. 

"Yeah, let's get out of here," I reply giving him a smile before placing the letter back into the spot I had found in, back into Midnight Memories. 

I follow Niall out the door locking the door behind me before heading through the elegant, extremly large mansion and joining the rest of the boys in the long black topped driveway.

"Louis has way too much damn stuff!" Harry grumbles as he unloads yet another one of Louis' bags from the back of the moving truck.

"You were the one that insisted we don't need movers to do it for us," Louis reminds him grinning from where he sits on the porch sipping tea.

"At least after Lou we'll only have Liam, Zayn and my stuff. We'll also have to unload it all in the house, but let's not think about that yet," Niall says making us all groan as we eye the stack of boxes that fill the moving truck from top to bottom.

"Come on ladies it's going to be dark soon and I don't want to be out here at night," Louis orders us from where he sits.

"I'm going to kill him," Zayn grumbles as he takes out yet another box of Louis'.

"Seeing as we're all living together now, we'll also kill Louis together...do you think his ghost would make us still carry his stuff in?" Harry whispers as we work.

"Probably, and he'll keep nagging us until it's all put away," I reply.

"I vote we leave his stuff in the yard," Zayn grumbles making us all laugh.

At least for now things are okay, we're all happy, sore maybe and going to have nightmares for the rest of our lives, but happy and


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