Confusion (Edited)

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I'm back! I have found the source of my writer's block and am going to fix it in this chapter. I am trying not to have break down right now for Wattpad wiped out my 2000 word original of this chapter....pissed beyond belief. But I am going to retype it. Please comment and vote and let me know this frustration was worth it!

Liam's POV

My eyelids feel as though they weigh a ton. I can hear hushed voices throughout the room.  I can feel a warm hand wrapped around my own, fingers gently running over my knuckles. I twist my fingers around the hand squeezing it a little appreciating its warmth.

 "Guys I think he's waking up!" Harry yells making the entire room go quiet.

Slowly I open my eyes blinking a couple times as my eyes adjust to the bright lights of the room.

"Hey there sleeping beauty about time for you to join the living again," Zayn smiles at me from my right giving my arm a squeeze. Niall sits at the end of my bed his blue eyes watching me tears sliding down his cheeks. Harry sits to my left his hand tightly wrapped around mine tears as well in his green eyes.

I look around realizing I'm in the hospital and confusion begins to set in.

"What happened?" I ask in confusion.

"Liam you have in a coma for the past week. You slipped into it from your high fever, stress and your head injury. You scared the crap out of all of us," Harry explains the tears now running freely down his cheeks.

"What happened to Maria?" I ask the images of a woman and a baby flashing though my mind.

"Maria? Li, who's Maria?" Zayn asks concern clearly written across his face as he grabs my right hand in his cradling it lightly in his as though if I'm going to break.

"What was the last thing that happened before I slipped into my coma?" I ask my head beginning to pound with a headache.

"Louis had just walked into the room after him and Eleanor was attacked. The detective and Simon had just got done telling us to stay near security. You slipped into the coma shortly after that. Scared the hell out of all of us. We didn't think you were going to wake up," Niall explains watching me with concern in his eyes.

"Liam, how are you feeling?" Zayn asks concern laced in his voice.

"My head hurts and I'm sore but mostly I'm confused. I guess I had some really weird dreams well I was out of it," I admit just now feeling just how sore my body is.

"What did you dream about?" Harry asks his tears no longer falling, but his eyes still red and his cheeks still wet.

"I dreamt that right after the detective and Simon that this nurse kicked you guys out and began flirting with me. The next thing I know we're in a relationship...but I think it was abusive on her part. I remember that there was a baby but....I can't remember who's or its name..." I admit trying to grab at the detail but it seems the longer I am awake the more of the dream is fading from my memory it feels as though I am  grasping at something just out of my reach.

"Around the time your dream started was about the time you slipped into your coma. As for the name Maria there was a nurse treating you that was named Maria, she is married and has a couple of kids. You must have heard bits and pieces of conversations while you were out of it and your mind took it and made some absurd dream with it. As for the abusive relationship it could be from you feeling vulnerable or having a low self esteem," Zayn tries to explain.

"You and Perrie getting attacked happened though, right?" I ask looking Zayn in the eyes panic starting to overcome me as I struggle with what is reality and what is dream.

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