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Harry's POV

Tensions have now hit an all new high. As soon as that front door opened a week ago we have decided to not trust anybody outside of us five. Not Simon, Josh, Paul, Lou, the band and especially not Dr. Marks. 

Louis and Zayn have made it their jobs to make sure Liam is never alone so Dr. Psycho Bitch doesn't get to lay a hand on him without one of us there by his side and watching her closely. Louis still helps Liam with his medication, making it clear on the first day when he threw Dr. Marks' car keys in the toilet when she attempted to go pick Liam's medication up from the pharmacy. 

Between Louis, Niall and I we have made it our jobs to make Dr. Marks' time with us miserable, hoping she will get sick of us and just quit. So far we have managed to turn all her white clothing pink, draw many inappropriate things on her face in permanent marker, swapped her shampoo for temporary green dye, thrown all of her underwear (while wearing gloves of course) in Louis' neighbor's pool, dyed her poodle purple, poured extremely hot sauce in her dinner, put garden snakes in her car, left her cell phone behind the back tire of her car so when she pulled out of the driveway she ran over her own phone and hacked into her car radio so all it played on her way back into London is our music or some very inappropriate noises. To say she hates us would be an under statement, but she still has not given in.

"He is not going and I DARE you boys to fight me on this," Dr. Marks hisses at us as we all sit at the dinning table, silver wear clutched in our hands and tensions high.

"He IS going, regardless of what you say. It will be his first day out of the house in what feels like weeks and he does need to get back into his normal routine or he's never going to get better. Now we are ALL going to go to the interview and the the recording studio regardless of what you say," Louis snaps back narrowing his eyes at her dangerously. 

"No, he is not going and neither should Zayn. They both have a long ways to go before they should be leaving the house and as their main doctor I can make this call," Dr. Marks replies her own eyes narrowing, but none of us can take her seriously for she now has a uni-brow and marker mustache.

"I'm going rather you like it or not and we have been taking care of Liam WAY longer than what you have. We would not be letting him go if we didn't think he was well enough. It's not going to be anything major just a  basic interview, some song writing and maybe a little singing, but that is really none of your concern," Zayn replies angrily.

"He is my patient," she argues, but all I can do is smile and Louis actually laughs.

"Actually we signed papers saying we are his caretakers until he is well again. Which means we also help him decide on who his doctor is. Now you may be his temporary doctor, but you will make decisons with us and as soon as Dr. Salvion is out of prison your going to be gone," I add grinning.

" That may all be true but as his medical provider I still get a say and I am willing to make a compromise. He can go, but I come with," she replies with a calm grin.

"Fine, but be aware that you will never be welcome," Louis replies before getting up from the table and heading to the shower.

The rest of us quickly finish up our breakfast so we can take quick showers before dressing decently and leaving our hair be for Lou to fix up when we get there. 

As soon as I am finished and the dishes are in the dishwasher I head into the downstairs guest room where Liam is sleeping.

He lays curled up on his side his eyes closed peacefully making him appear like a sleeping puppy. I crawl onto the bed beside him, leaning in near his ear.

"Liam, wake up, mate. It's time to get ready for the interview. You need to take a shower or bath before we can get out of here," I whisper in his ear kissing the side of his head.

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