A Low Blow (Edited)

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Zayn's POV

Harry, Niall and I are all lounging in Liam's room flipping through TV stations. We have an hour before we have to leave for an interview and are just killing time at this point. Louis wanted to spend some time with Eleanor before leaving, he has been very protective of her ever sense the shooting. The guilt the poor guy puts himself through is almost unbearable to watch.

Niall finally stops on Fuse's Top 20 Countdown only half watching it though as he plays some game on his phone. Harry is texting someone and whoever it is they are clearly not making him happy. I don't bother to ask not wanting more bad news.

A low grumble from beside me draws my attention. Liam opens his eyes and yawns before carefully stretching. He gives me a tired smile before shifting into a more comfortable position to chat.

"Hey look who's up!" Harry smiles at him finally looking up from his phone.

"Sorry, was I out long?" Liam asks still trying to get comfortable.

"Don't worry about it. You need your rest, plus you were only out for a couple of hours," I assure him as I help position the bed and move his pillows so he's more comfortable.

"When do you guys leave for the interview?" Liam asks trying to keep all emotion out of his voice, but knowing him as well as I do I can hear the hurt clearly.

"We leave in an hour...Liam, don't get all upset about not being able to attend an interview. It's one interview, you're not going anywhere. Plus the interview is going to suck without you," Niall speaks up giving Liam a big grin and a comforting pat on the leg.

"I know...I just hate being stuck here and feeling so vulnerable and useless," Liam confesses with a sigh, a lost look in his puppy dog eyes.

"You're not useless, you're just sick. Give it a couple more weeks and you'll be right on stage, doing interviews, getting mobbed and doing all the signings in the world," Harry replies giving Liam his famous grin.

The door opens and Louis joins us. He sits down on the foot of his bed worry and anger in his posture.

"Is everything ok?" Liam asks clearly noticing our friend's mood.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Louis waves him off giving him a smile and takes his hand gently running his finger over his knuckles worry still clear in his eyes. I recognize Louis' move of holding Liam's hand instantly. We all did it when he was in the coma, extremely sick or were worried we were going to lose him. Louis doing this clearly tells the rest of us he fears that he is going to lose Liam. Holding him, or touching him in anyway has been a way for all of us to assure ourselves that he is still here and that he's ok. Both Harry and Niall notice and both go slightly pale before going back to watching TV or their phones.

I give Louis a questioning look but he just shakes his head telling me not now. Ever since Liam got really sick I and the rest of the boys have been able to do this kind of thing. We communicate with each other back and forth without words. We can just simply give the other a look or simple gesture and the rest of know exactly what he is trying to say. We aren't trying to exclude Liam or anything it's just our way of communicating about problems or Liam's health without being noticed by fans, paparazzi, security, family and sometimes even Liam.

"I thought you were going to be staying with Eleanor till the interview?" Harry asks trying to get more information from Louis on what is going on without Liam noticing.

"She fell asleep a while ago and I decided instead of watching her like a creepy stalker I would come and hang out with you guys. Plus after my mum called it reminded me of when we were on tour before Satan decided he has a grudge against all of us," Louis explains giving us a grin.

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