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Simon's POV

It has never bothered me breaking bad news to people. I have done it for years on the X-Factor, crushing dreams,and firing people in business, but  having to tell the boys news that will change their lives for ever makes makes my heart ache and want to protect them from all of the hurt they have gone through. Having to tell the boys that they will have to stay at the house until tomorrow is one of the hardest things I have ever had to say. It's right up there with when I had to tell Liam that his parents have died. 

"You're seriously just going to leave them out there?! They could get seriously hurt or die and you're not going to do anything!" Louis yells at me his eyes full of anger.

"I don't have a choice, Louis. If I could I would go there and get them myself. I don't like leaving them out there any more than you do. Now sit down and wait for the others to get back," I reply trying to remain calm.

"Are we just money to you? If One Direction just fell apart today would you even give damn about any of us?! Right now you're proving to me you don't! If you care you would find a way to get somebody out there! Your fucking Simon Cowell! Do something, you can't seriously tell me you can't call somebody and have them bring the boys back here safely!" he continues following me as I head towards my office.

"I do care about all of you, you're like sons to me, Louis! I care about every single one of you and sure as hell does go a lot further than just a band. If I could do something i would, but I can't," I hiss back at him turning around so that I am looking him in the eyes.

"Fine, if you won't do something I will. I'll go get them myself," Louis replies grabbing his car keys from the coffee table and heading towards to door. Immediately one of the guards that are standing in the room grabs him around the waist easily picking him up.

"You will not, even if I have to lock you in a closet. You will not go out that door until I say it's ok and it's not. Jared, take him to the bedroom down the hall," I order not looking Louis in the eyes.

"I fucking hate you! Put me down!" Louis screams kicking and thrashing around trying to get out of Jared's arms.

I start to head towards my office when the front door opens and three very angry woman walk in. I immediately recognize them as Jay, Anne and Trisha, Louis, Harry and Zayn's mothers. 

"You will bring my son back here. If you can't get somebody out there yourself, we'll go. We'll bring the boys back here safe and sound. Give us a couple of guards and we'll have them all back here by daybreak," Anne tells me her voice cool and making it clear there will be no room for agurements.

"MUM! You guys actually came!" Louis yells before some how slipping out of Jared's grip and running over to his mother pulling her into a hug.

"Thank God you're safe Louis and of course we came. Did you seriously think Trisha and Anne would let anybody hurt either of their boys?" Jay asks her son pulling back and smiling at him.

"Plus none of us want to see Liam go through any more than what he already has," Trisha adds.

"Alright, you want to go get them I guess I can't stop you. Greg, Jared, Robert and Joe will come with you for some....back up," I reply knowing that there will be no arguing with any of these woman. I have already tried to go down that road before and I lose everytime. To be fully honest with myself though I'm happy that they are offering or really demanding because I want them boys back here safe and sound as well. Something tells me that if they are to wait till tomorrow they might not be coming home.

"Good I'm happy we saved time not arguing over it. We will leave now, for every minute those boys wait is another minute of them in danger, we'll call you when they are safely with us and on our way back here," Anne promises before they all three start to head back out the door four of the body guards following them.

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