Feverish (Edited)

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Liam's POV

Why is it so cold? Did the boys leave a window open? I pull the blankets closer shivering.

"Liam, you awake?" Niall's voice is what makes me realize I am not on the tour bus or in a hotel. The sounds of a steady beeping lets me know I am on a heart monitor and the shushed voices of medical staff outside makes my heart sink.

"Why am I at the hospital again?" I ask confused opening my eyes and tiredly wiping the sleep from them.

"Don't you remember getting mobbed?" Niall asks concern in his voice.

"Not really. I remember heading towards the studio doors and then nothing. What happened?" I ask shifting to a more comfortable position careful of all the wires I am hooked up to.

"A lot of people got hurt, including all of us. There is now even an official police investigation. It's all over the news world wide," Niall explains sitting down on the foot of my bed.

I try to sit up only to have nausea and the pain in my side stop me. I let myself fall back onto the mattress and close my eyes wishing the nausea away.

"You have a touch of the flu and you cracked a rib. Sorry I should have warned you," he apologizes and pushes the button for me on the bed so I am sitting up and can actually see him.

"Are the others ok?" I ask after a couple minutes of making sure that I'm not going to throw up.

"Louis has a concussion, Harry broke like 4 ribs, Zayn broke his hand in 4 places and I broke my arm. Other than that we're all fine, you made it out the worst of us," he explains. I then for the first time actually take in how I feel. My chest feels like an elephant decided to sit on it, my entire right side aches if I shift too much, my stomach is on the rocks, my head is pounding and my left leg is unexpectedly heavy. Confused I run my hand over it and find it wrapped in a cast.

"I broke my leg. How did that happen? I don't even remember much of anything," I grumble sitting back frustrated. I close my eyes and place a hand on my shaky belly wishing the pain away.

"The doctors said you were knocked out cold and you wouldn't remember much of it, if any. I'm sure we can find a video of it happening though, there are TONS of them online," Niall continues looking at me sympathetically.

"Lovely, what are they saying?" I ask afraid of what the reporters are making of this.

"Look for yourself," Niall flips on the TV and finds the news channel. We don't have to wait long for our names to be spoken.

"The popular boyband One Direction was mobbed early yeterday morning in New York, causing injury to members of the band, security and fans. An official police investigation has begun trying to find who is at fault. Simon Cowell is as well suing the studio that had promised more security than what was provided and is looking at firing some of his own employees that were in charge of the boy band's safety."

"The band members conditions are unknown but with one of the members, Liam Payne, still recovering from the removal of one of his kidneys, you can understand the concern from their management and fans. There spokesmen has commented on the incident, assuring fans the boys are fine and recovering as well as promising to punish anybody on their side of the situation that might be at fault."

"One fan that was at the incident has come out and said that it was chaos. She had been pushed to the ground and kicked repeatedly by other fans anxious to get to the boyband members. On Twitter the arguement is fueled with who is at fault, some saying the studio, fans, paparazi or even the band and their security. Let us know your thoughts online...." I tune out the reporter looking at Niall in shock.

"Simon's thinking about firing Paul?" I ask shocked. Paul has been there with us since day one! Simon can't fire him!" I argue tears in my eyes at the thought of Paul losing his job.

"Harry and Zayn are trying to get him to change his mind, but you know how Simon is," Niall sighs running a stressed hand through his hair tears in his own eyes.

I sit back closing my eyes in frustration and pain. I settle a hand on my belly, feeling extremely nausea's.

"You going to be sick?" Niall asks. I can hear him stand up and I try to respond but my yes only came out as a groan.

I sit up and get sick in the bucket Niall had thrusted into my lap. I vomit up everything that I ate yesterday until all I am doing is coughing up acid and gagging.

"I've got to..." Niall speaks up disgust in his voice. Niall never had a strong stomach when it comes to this stuff. I nod letting him know it's ok before gagging again my stomach muscles scrunched up in pain but I can't get myself to stop.


"You're suposse to be with Liam!" I snap at Niall as I near Liam's room where I had just left for 15 minutes to take a quick meal break.

"He's getting sick...I couldn't," Niall responds his face as white as a piece of paper.

I roll my eyes and head into the room to find Liam resting his head against the edge of the bucket panting, shaking and soaked in sweat. Just when he sits up thinking the worse is over he begins to gag again.

I rush over and rub his back in soothing circles, trying to calm him down as he cries in bewtween the gags.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I ask fearing for my friend. He shakes his head finally sitting back tears running down his cheeks and his hands on his belly, "Do you want me to get the doctor?"

He just shrugs in response and settles further into bed.

"I'll be right back," I promise poking my head out the door to where Niall is still leaned up against the wall.

"Is he done?" Niall greets his nose scrunched up and his face visibly paleing again.

"Yes, could you grab the doctor?" I ask not waiting for a response before heading back into the room.

Liam is still soaked in sweat and visibly in pain. I sit down beside his bed and hold his hand, not sure if there is any other way I can show that I am here for him.

"Hello, Liam. It's nice to see that you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" the doctor greets before beginning his examination.

Liam doesn't respond, he just whimpers when the doctor sits him up so he can properly examine him.

"He woke up and was somewhat ok, but began throwing up which lasted about 15 minutes. Is there something you can give him to settle his stomach?" I ask watching as he takes Liam's temperture.

"I'll try to find something, are you in any pain, Liam?" the doctor asks concern written across his face making my heart beat sky rocket.

"Head, stomach and side," Liam grumbles.

"I'll get you something for that. Are you cold?"


"You're running a fever of 105 which is very concerning to me. I'm going to give you an antibiotic to help lower your temperature. I'll see if I can get you some medication that will put you right to sleep so you don't feel the pain. I'll also try to track down some blankets for you. I'll see you again soon," the doctor smiles at him.

Once turned away from Liam he motions for me to follow him outside. After a quick glance at Liam I follow him.

"I am very concerned about your friend. He's dehydrated and isn't getting enough food. I'm going to have to hook him up to an IV. What is really worrying me is the fever. With Liam's condition fighting a fever that high is extremely difficult and can be deadly. I'm hoping the antibiotics will help but I'm concerned about using some of the stronger ones in concern for his single kidney which has proven to not be the strongest kidney around. Keep an eye on him and let me or a nurse know IMMEDIATELY if anything changes."

As the doctor walks away Niall and I exchange panicked glances, both of us fearing for our friend.

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