Going Home (edited)

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Liam's POV

We are finally back home in England. In a way it really does feel good to be home. It's nice to not be rushed everywhere and to be surrounded with things that are familiar instead of foriegn.

"Well this is it, lads. We're home and going our seperate way," Louis sighs dramtically once we reach the bottom of the escalators.

"Man seperating this time is a little more difficult this year..." Zayn adds as we stand together, luggage in hand.

"I love you guys!" Niall randomly screams ending all the awkwardness by saying what we all are feeling. We are soon piled into a group hug.

"I'm going to miss you all. Be safe all of you and shoot me a text once in a awhile!" Louis adds as we pull apart.

"Will do Tommo," Harry grins at him before we start to head in different directions.

"Liam, don't forget to call one of us before you leave to your parents. Call if you need anything and don't worry about the holidays we'll get togehter or you'll come over to one of our houses," Zayn reminds me as I head down another set of escalaters.

"I will, I'll miss you guys!" I call back seeing as the airport is pretty much empty by some miracle. Soon they are all out of hearing distance and out of my sight. My heart aches a little knowing I won't be seeing them for awhile.

I head out the doors knowing I am going to have to call a taxi for nobody will be here to pick me up. I am in the middle of dialing the number when a horn honks.

"Did you seriously think I was going to let you take a taxi home?" Andy greets me from the driver's seat of his car, the window rolled down.

"I guess not," I grin sliding my cell phone back in my pocket and sliding into the passenger seat, throwing my bag into the back.

"I'm assuming straight to your house? The jet lag has got to be kicking in soon," Andy comments as he easily manuvers through the London streets.

"You would be assuming correctly. How are you? I'm sorry I haven't really had the chance to talk to you that much," I respond looking over at my long time friend slightly nervous, an irrational fear telling me is going to kick me out of the car and tell me he hates me or worse that he'll look at me like some kind of alien or somebody that needs to be handled very carefully.

"Don't worry about not calling me, man. It's not a big deal and with everything you have had on your plate recently I totally get it. As far as how I'm doing I'm doing pretty great actually. Daisie has moved in with me, my t-shirt company is going great, thanks to you, and I feel like I'm on top of the world," he responds grinning.

"That's great, Andy...So you're not mad at me for some of my fans jumping you?" I ask cautiously but needing to know.

"Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you, Liam? Those fans are nuts and that has nothing to do with you. You can't control your fans. It's not like you order them like some little army or guard dogs, they do what they please and some of them just happen to be whack jobs that have decided they want you and the lads all for themselves and that everybody else around you should die. Like I said nothing to do with you," he replies laughing lightly as if I had just asked the most absurd question he has ever heard. "Now how are you my friend?" he asks looking from the road a secound to look at me.

"I'm doing ok, really relativly good considering everything," I reply deciding not to mention the random headaches I've been having ever since the AMAs. They have plagued me on the plane for hours and it was almost unbearable but right now aside from a small ache I'm fine. Hopfully just some painkillers will make it all disapear.

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