Guardian Angels (edited)

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Hey you guys thank you for reading! I do have a request though for you guys, can you maybe comment and vote...I promise faster updates if you do! Show me you love my story! Tell me why? What do you like or hate? Who are you mad at? Any things you want to see possibly happen? Please comment and vote it means so much! 

Zayn's POV

Never has a car ride been so long. It feels as though we have been on the road for days even though we have only been on the road for 2 hours.

"Can you go a little faster?" I snap at Harry impatiently as he drives below the speed limit.

"Zayn, the roads are slick so unless you want to crash, be quiet. If your so anxious find something to do. Call Louis and Niall let them know what is going on or something, just stop bitching. We'll be there in another hour or hour and a half," Harry replies rolling his eyes at me.

Grumbling I pull out my phone and begin scrolling though my contats. I'm not mad at Harry or anything it's just I hate Liam being there when he's vulnerable with nobody but his sisters who have made it clear they are not going to help him. 

I finally find Niall's number and press call silently praying that the call won't drop. 

"Hello?" My irish accented friend greets drunkingly.

"Niall, are you drunk?" I ask raising an eyebrow unable to hold back my grin.

"Noooo...maybe a little. What's up?" Nialls asks giggling a little.

"Harry and I are heading out to Wolverhapton. Liam needs our help. We just thought we sould give you a heads up," I reply leaning my head against the window.

"Shit, what happened? Is he ok?" Niall asks sobering up immidtly.

"He called Harry so I didn't get to really talk to him but from the sounds of it he's pretty upset. The word Harry used was 'broken'. He said Liam sounded really rough on the phone and just drained," 

"Never have I ever thought I would hate Liam's sisters so much. Do you know what happened?" 

"Nope, he didn't really give Harry the details but I guess from the sounds of it things have been pretty crappy since he's gotten home. You don't need to worry though me and Harry will take care of him. We'll shoot you a text of how he is and what happened after we talk to him," 

"Alright keep me posted and let Liam know I love him and we're thinking of him here in Ireland," Niall sighs the ache for Liam clear in his voice.

"Will do, love ya man." I hang up and decide to call Louis next knowing this will be the more intresting call of the two. Louis picks up on the first ring.

"Please tell me them bitches didn't hurt him or I swear to God I'm going to fly down there like god damn superman and start kicking ass," Louis greets fury and his legendary sass in his voice.

"Calm down there Tommo. Harry and I are already on our way there. We're about an hour away with the way the roads are. He called Harry a little while back. Harry told me he was real broken sounding and tired," I reply relaxing back in my seat and streching which got me a dirty look from Harry.

"I'm going to kill them. Did he say what happened? I texted him at around two to see how he was doing. He told me he had just gotten there but pretty much said he already thought it wasn't going to go well."

"He didn't really get into detail over the phone but the way he made it sound he has been having problems since getting home."

"Damn it! Why didn't he tell me? I going to kick his ass next time I see him, after I hug him and give him a big slobbery kiss on the cheek first," Louis adds at the end making me laugh.

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