Princesses Too?

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 Harry's POV

The day of my discharge from the hospital and I am heading to an adoption center to pick you Lux. Louis wouldn't say a word to me all day or drive me to the center even when I had pleaded. My mum and Gemma helped me get my stuff out of the hospital room before driving me to pick up Lux. My entire body aches still and I still have. I still need to have a surgery on my arm to fix some of the nerves and tendons that have been torn, but I scheduled it for later next week  along with seeing a hand specialist, so I can get Lux settled in at home. Niall on the other hand has gone under the knife to fix his knee again and to fix his right arm. He also wanted to a reason to stay in the hospital so he can keep Liam company.

Liam is still really sick and the doctors are monitoring him closely. He has had the tube removed from his side, is breathing some what normally thanks to the breathing exercies and has been working on strengthening his muscles though painful two hour long physical thearpy sessions each day. Slowly improving, but has a long way to go.

Louis and Zayn both stayed at the hospital reading the binder they found that documented William Dillard's villians and looking them all up and trying to go even further into their research and try to find out which one is the master mind that has been tormenting all of us now for over a year and is targeting Liam.

I am happy to have my mum and Gemma going with me to pick up Lux, but it still hurts knowing that none of the boys will be at my side. Gemma sits beside me her hand covering my casted hand giving her support without saying anything, but then again she doesn't really need to.

When we pull up to the center there is already a crowd waiting for us cameras flashing, somebody has leaked that I will be picking up Lux today, what a surprise. This will be my first public appearance sense the mobbing and to say I am nerves would be an understatement. I do not fear being mobbed again like we were because let's face it the chances of that happening to that extent again is unlikely. What scares me is what I will hear. I have been avoiding social media, the news and the internet in general not wanting to see the things being said about us and our fans. Today I will be hearing these things and there is no avoiding it. 

"We probably should have brought some secuirty, I didn't think there would be this many," my mum sighs as she parks near the front so we can make a quick escape. 

"We'll be fine. Plus are top secuirty are still missing or at least we haven't heard from them. I just want to get Lux, take her home and get some sleep," I admit as I get out of the car with aid from my mum. 

"I'm sure there is a reason for their disapearance and I'm sure it's not them betraying you boys. I can't see any of them doing that," my mum whispers to me fixing my jacket over my shoulder so it doesn't fall off sense I can't get the one sleeve on because it hurts to much to even move my one shoulder, so I avoided it at all cost. 

I just roll my eyes at my mum's comment not really believeing it. Something fishy is going on and I fear it might be William's enemies getting to our crew, secuirty and management. 

Gemma and my mum each flank one of my sides protectively as we head in. I stop for some fans signing their things the best I can with three of my fingers broken, the same hand's palm broken and that arm being broken, my other arm useless with it being in a sling. I let them take a couple of pictures and thank them for their support, also kindly informing them of how the other boys are doing before hurrying into the center ignoring the calls from the paparrazzi. 

"Hello Mr. Styles, as you can see we have all been waiting for you. I have the papers already here and Lux is more than ready to go. She has been talking about you boys pretty sense she got here over a month ago," the woman that runs the place greets us leading me to the counter to fill out the proper papers.

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