We're Here (edited)

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Zayn's POV

"How's the baby?" I ask Louis as I browse through the room service menu trying to find something Liam can hopefully stomach for breakfast.

"He's small but healthy, it's a miracle. He looks a lot like Liam, can't see a trace of the bitch in him." Louis replies leaning against the wall his arms crossed over chest exhaustion in his eyes but a smile on his lips.

"Liam's going to be thrilled. When will they release the baby?" I ask sitting back on the bed beside Perrie handing her the menu and pointing to the chicken noodle soup for Liam. She rolls her eyes smiling though and calls the number ordering Liam his soup and the rest of us breakfast.

"They need the baby's father to sign him out. So as soon as Liam is ready and we have enough stuff to take care of him we can go get him at any time," Eleanour replies for Louis.

Before I can respond the sound of a crash coming from the living area draws our attention.

"Liam! I told you to stay on the couch!" Harry's panicked yell sends me and Louis out the bedroom door to find Liam on the floor with Harry trying to help him up.

"M ok." Liam mumbles weakly even though he is visibly putting all his weight on Harry.

"Liam, you can't see the baby until your healthier. Just rest today and we'll see how you feel tomorrow, if you're well enough we can at least go see him," Perrie offers putting a hand on Liam's back as Harry helps him lay back down on the couch. 

"Okay...I'm sorry...I just..I hate this. I should be able to be there for my son, but yet I can't even stand up without somebody's help," he confesses bringing his hands up to his face as tears begin to slide down his cheeks and sobs begin to shake his frail body.

"What happened wasn't your fault and soon you'll have him in your arms," Perrie offers tears in her eyes as she gets down beside Liam squeezing his hand, tears in her eyes as she looks at our suffering friend.

"How am I suppose to raise him on my own?" he asks sitting up and wipping the tears away.

"That's what we're here for, mate," Louis replies smiling from the entrance of the room his arm wraped around El's waist.

"He's right, Liam, whatever you or..." I stop not sure what to call the baby for no names have been mentioned.

"Ian James." Liam speaks up smiling light.

"Whatever you or Ian need we're here for you. You're our brother," I finish smiling. 

"I't a beautiful name," Perrie smiles grabbing my hand and leaning into my legs smiling at Liam. 

"I just want him with me and not in some hospital by himself," Liam sighs letting his exhausted body collapse into the sofa tears in eyes. 

"You can go see him tomorrow. For now just rest mate, " Louis gives Liam's shoulder a squeeze before helping him settle back into the coach as his eyes drift shut.

"Hard to believe he's a dad at twenty one. I always thought it would be Harry or Zayn in this position," Louis snickers lightly getting a playful whack from both me and Harry in return.

This is very short and not very good. I'm sorry. It's been a busy couple of weeks getting ready for school and helping my mom not to mention the family drama. Anyway thank you for the continued support! I promise a longer and better by update later.

PS  I'm not dedicating this chapter to anybody because this chapter is just to crappy.

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