Hospitals and Cheaters (EDITED)

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Liam's POV

I am currently settled in a room in the ER with Harry, Louis and Paul in the room with me. I have just given blood and urine for testing and nerveusly await the results. I lean back on the pillows closing my eyes wishing this all would just go away. 

I turn onto my side feeling self counciouss knowing everybody is watching me out of the corner of their eyes. Trying to distract myself I pull out my phone and scoll through Twitter following random fans and responding to some of their tweets. I take a glance to see the trends and my heart sinks into my stomach. 



I click on the trend scrolling through the tweets till I find a picture of Sophia locking lips with somebody we had both gone to college with. Shaking I text her the photo with a simple question. Is this real?

"Liam, what is it?" Harry's touch draws my attnetion from the photo that still is displayed on my phone. Harry takes one glance and pulls me into an embrace rubbing my back as I break down into sobs.

"Sophia was caught cheating." Harry responds to a question I must not have heard. I just burry myself further into his arms feeling as if my world has come tumbling down around me. 

After a couple of minutes he lets me go and I slump back into my pillows just as the doctor comes in.

"I want to run one more test Liam. I'm going to have you get changed into a gown so we can run a CT scan real quickly to get a little more info but we have a pretty good idea now what is wrong," The doctor informs us handing me a hospital gown. 

"Liam for sure has a severe kidney infection that needs to get treated immeditly especially if my other concern turns out to be true. We have reason to believe that your other kidney has completely failed and needs to be removed if it is as bad as I expect. I'll explain more after the CT scan," The doctor promises as I get up and make my way to the bathroom slowly. 

Once inside I slide of my clothes whimpering from the pain in my back and abdomen I pull on the gown making sure to hold it tight so nobody sees anything I wasn't comfortable with them seeing. 

I sldie into the wheelchair the doctor has waiting after a half hearted argument that I could walk. 

I give the lads and Paul one last glance before I am wheeled away to the CT scan.

Louis's POV

"I'm going to call the other lads and Simon to let them know what is going on," Paul says before stepping out of the room phone already in hand. 

"I thought his kidneys were fine now," I grumble slumping down into a chair. 

"Apparently they're not," Harry mumbles in response slumping against the wall. 

"I hate that bitch for hurting him," I snap glaring at the floor.

"Me too," Harry replies distantly. 

"Are you even listneing to me?" I snap at him shooting him a glare.

"Sorry Lou I'm just worried about Liam," he snaps back shooting me a dangerous look. 

Liam's phone buzzes grabbing both of our attention. I grab it off the table before Harry could unlocking it with ease. 

He has a new text from Sophia and it is short but cruell. 

It read: 

Yes and we're through. Thanks for the money though. ;)

I throw the phone at the floor angrily never hating somebody so much in my life. 

Harry picks it up quietly reading the message and slides it into his back pocket. "He doesn't need this right now," he whispers to my unspoken question. 

I nod in agreement wanting to smash and burn the damn thing so Liam never has to see it. The selfish bitch was just using him for his money and fame. Of all people she could have manipulated why did it have to be sweet and loving Liam? 

Paul enters and settles into the seat beside me. 

"Told the boys to stay at the hotel there's nothing they can do here and promised I would keep them posted. Simon wants an immediate update and said he was going to fly in if it's bad news," Paul replies to our questioning looks as he turns on the TV clearly needing a distraction. 

So we sat like that the three of us boredly watching TV for over an hour waiting on word about Liam. 

Harry's POV

The doctor came in without Liam an hour and 40 minutes late startling us. 

"Liam's left kidney is completly gone. It's just a dead organ now relasing acids into his body. We are preparing him for emergency surgery now. His right kidney has a severe infection that needs to be monitored for at least a couple of days here. We also found traces of something in his bloodstream that is quite unusual. We are not sure of what it is yet but I do think it is another part of why he is so frail. I'm going to need one of you to fill out these forms for him about the surgery," the doctor holds out forms which Paul takes immeditly and begins to fill out.

"Do you have any idea what could be in his bloodstream?" I ask my heart racing.

"Right now I can tell you only what it's not. Right now we're going to treat what we know and go from there," the doctor explains, "You might also want to contact his parents we have questions for them and we will be admitting him here for a least a week." 

Paul nods taking all the information in before handing the doctor back the forms. 

"We'll let you know when he is out of surgery," the doctor promises before leaving the room heading back off in the direction he came. 

"Go back to the hotel boys. I have to make some more phone calls. There is nothing more you can do here," Paul says getting up again phone in hand. 

Giving him a stuborn look I settle back into my chair crossing my arms making it clear I'm not going anywhere. Louis does the same beside me rasing his eyebrow at Paul challengingly. That eyebrow promises a dramatic exit it Louis were to leave the room and that was something Paul defintly did not want right now.

"Fine you can stay but stay out of trouble, no mentioning anything about what is going on in any tweets and don't draw any unwanted attention," he orders all but waving a finger around at us. 

Louis and I settle in waiting anxiously for news about our friend.

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