Father or Son

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Zayn's POV

There are days that when I wake I just know that something horrible is going to happen that day. The ominous feeling hangs over me all day filling me with dread and as the day drags on I know we are approaching tragedy with each passing minute.

Today is one of those says, the storm that has been bombing the house all day only adds to the foreboding feeling. It makes me want to take my family and Liam and lock them away in the basement where they will be safe, but I know they would never let me do that without putting up a major fight.

Both Paul and Paddy hover near the windows always glancing out them anxiously searching for shadows that could transform into monsters.

Andy will not sit down for long. He is always up pacing the length of the living room or fiddling with a pen. 

My sisters always stay near each other watching TV, playing games or just talking. Even the youngest of us know that something is looming around the corner.

My mum is busy in the kitchen baking and cooking anything she can think of, needing something to keep her busy.

Liam stays on the couch wrapped in blankets wide awake, but exhausted. Every time he closes his eyes they quickly open again from the fear of what is waiting for him in his dreams.

The darkness that now is outside sends chills down my spine and the occasional lighting that lights up the darkness makes it feel like we are in some bad horror movie. 

Louis and I keep shooting each other texts asking how things are going and just chatting back and fourth for some kind of distraction. 

My cell phone tells me it is 11:35 pm and it makes me want to chuck it for the day is drawing to a close and that only means the evil that is waiting is just around the corner. 

"Zayn, come here," Paul's far too calm voice makes me look up from my phone. I get up off the couch moving Liam's feet off of my lap so I can join Paul at the window. Liam looks up at me with worry in his eyes and all I can do is give his hand a squeeze before joining Paul at the window.

"Do you see them? In the shadow by the corner of the gate. They're getting in some how. We need to get Liam and the girls to the basement. I'll text Louis let them know that they are here and probably on their over there as well. Hopefully we can warn them before they are attacked," Paul whispers to me making my heart rate pick up as adrenaline begins to take over.

I can see the figures he is talking about right away. They are moving along the inside of the gate with what appears to be guns in their hands. They are dressed totally in black and if it wasn't for the lightning I never would have even seen them.

"Safa, Doniya and Waliyha get to the basement now!" I yell at my sisters pushing them toward the basement doors. My mum hurries over ushering them down the basement stairs, her momma bear instincts taking over. 

I turn my attention to Liam where he is slowly getting himself to sit up his stiff muscles protesting against it. I do not have time for him to get to his feet himself so I lift him up from the couch holding him in my arms bridal style. He doesn't argue with me, instead he just wraps his arms around my neck burying his face in my shoulder as I hurry to the basement door carrying him down the stairs. 

I glance over my shoulder at the sound of the door closing behind me and the locks from the outside clicking into place locking us in here. I carry Liam the rest of the way downstairs before laying him on one of the cots that has been set up. I hurry back upstairs locking all the locks before hurrying back down the stairs and closing the door that leads to the stairs. The door itself is make of steel and is more like a safe door, but it is bullet proof and will keep people from getting through easily. I slide all twelve locks to this doors into place before sitting down on the floor beside Liam's cot. 

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